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I woke up first before Zoro when I felt my abdomen was boiling and there I got up and running towards the bathroom and immediately opened the toilet to throw up.
This day is much worse where after twenty minutes of vomiting a sudden hand taps my shoulder and slowly rubs my stomach.
"Hey alright?"
"Do you think I'm alright?"I sarcastically asked him and he only sighed.
"It must them.."he murmur which I hear it.
"What did you say?"
"Uh.. nothing..let's get ready and go to the doctor." He only answers but I swear I hear him saying 'them'.
After he lift me and I wash my face he then went into our room and arrange our bed properly.
"Do you know what was happening to me Zoro?"
"You said 'them' Marimo." I said with now angry voice, but then he sigh and whisper something but too loud for me to hear.
"Mood swings.." that's it, I knew it.
"Can you tell me what's happening right now honey?"
"Wait until the doctor confirms it."
"But I know you can sense it.."I argued towards him and he went forward and hug me tight.
"I know it but I must want some confirmation, a real one so that I won't expect something that I want to.. understand?"he said as he burrowed his head on my scent gland and kiss it gently.
I only hummed of what he said and then we release each other's hug and get ready to see the doctor.


Zoro and Sanji are now on the lobby waiting for their appointment.
Sanji is now nervous of what was happening to him but when he look at Zoro the green head were busy talking to his phone about his business and some other sorts of mafia works he has which no one has known him for once.

After a thirty minutes wait Sanji's name was called and the both of them stand and went in the room where the nurse told them which it has the name of Zoro's personal doctor Law.

They enter and greeted by the man in the lap of his boyfriend Kid.
"Woah...I thought this is the room for check up not a motel."Zoro smirk of what he saw including Sanji who's eyes are wide.
"Well..sorry for the unrespectful seen."Kid said and kiss Law's forehead.
Once again Zoro clear his throat and snake his hands on Sanji's waist so that the love-cook hid his blushing face on his side.
"So are you two finished now because I had things to do after this."
"Wait for me outside I will finished this."Law said and Kid only nods at him.

"So what's the matter..?"he ask but then he suddenly realized they talked each other late night before and that's the reason why.
"Wait.. blackleg-yah can you sit here."he said and he motion a seat towards the blond and Sanji reluctantly sit on it.
"So I will get you some blood and urine for examination."he said and send to do the task.
"Wait here for a minute."he then gone out of the room.
"Zoro went near to Sanji and tap his shoulder where the blond look at him with a fake smile.
"It's okay..I think you were more surprised of what the result."he said and kissed the blond's temple.

After an hour of wait now Law went back with papers.
"Blackleg-yah can you lie down in the bed there I examine something in your abdomen."he said and then told the blond to lift his shirt and the blond obliged and do what he asked.
Then after that Law put some gel on the blond's stomach where he shiver of the coldness.
He then motion the monitor and take a look at it he then spotted a two dots in the middle which Zoro amazed and lean forward to take a look at it clearly.
Sanji just question it on his mind why his husband were so happy looking at it.
"What was happening?"he ask and the two look at him.
"Well,blackleg-yah you see that two spots in the center?"Law asked and he nod.
"Congrats, you are carrying a twins."when Law said that Sanji was spaced out and didn't even react where Zoro worries too much and he tapped his husband's shoulder and hug him.
"Congrats Baby...your gonna be a father/mother whatever you want to call it.."he said and when he looked at the blond, tears falling down and Sanji couldn't be this happy of what news he received.
"I'm gonna be a momma."he said and hug Zoro tightly.
"Yes you are...and were gonna be a family."Zoro added.
"Okay, so I will print some photos of these and the two of you can go now and blackleg-yah you must rest for a while..I will call Swordman-yah about the details of your frequent pregnancy.
After a minute of wait Law gave them the photos and some important information about the pregnancy and then the two left the hospital.


I'm so happy the whole day where I must keep myself healthy from now on because it's not just my body anymore.
I'm carrying Zoro's kids.
"Hey darlings momma is here..even though the two of you are not that quite big enough for now I rest assure the both of you are safe."I then rub my stomach in satisfaction.
Then I saw Zoro came out of the bathroom naked with only boxers his wearing.
He then went near me and placed his hands on my stomach and rubbed it gently after it he kissed my tummy which I giggled.
"I love you"he spluttered out of somewhere.
I place my palm on his cheeks and kiss his forehead.
"Love you too damned Marimo."I chuckled and he laughed not so loudly for both of us to hear.


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