New Home

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Now that it happened what I expected I just called Ms. Robin and  informed her that I needed help that night with some of my men and other Shigaraki where she knew I had six but only three were there.
After the commotion we are here now in our new home, my estate where this is the place where I grow and I kill someone first.
This is where I find the best place for Sanji and the kids to know more about me and the world of Yakuza where this estate is the main house and place for all my men.
This is where we do our training and more.
As we arrived I can see some of the most trusted maids and butlers went near our car as I slowly shake my husband and whisper him to wake up and he wake up and stretch a little and rub his eyes.
"Are we here?"he ask and I chuckled.
"Yeah,wait for me..I'll open your door."I move out the car and command my men to bring the stuff inside and they all bow down and help each other, I then open my passenger seat and Sanji move out slowly with my help and we walk slowly to the house.
"Wow.. it's so big and beautiful."he said while he look at me.
"Yeah.. we're going to live here together with the boys."
"I'm happy to know that you actually ready this for us."Sanji said and hug me wrapping his hands around my neck and I wrap my hands on his waist.
"As the boss I don't want my boys to grow in just a small house with a lot of dangerous things would happen."I stated and he then kiss me, after that we pull apart and he giggle.
"Thank you."Sanji said and put his head on my chest.
"Are you hungry baby?"
"Yeah..I want to cook something."
"What would it be,can I taste it?"
"Of course you damn moss head."
"Then shall we go to your kitchen?"
"Can we?"
The two of us enter the house which Sanji mesmerizing more as we went to the kitchen where his eyes went into heart as he do his noddle dance in appreciation.
"Oh my so big...hahaha"he stated as he wanted to jump but I am holding him so he just went forward to see everything.
"Slow down honey." I said and then suddenly Ms. Robin went out on the other side of the door and look at us.
"Oh moss head and Cook-san"he smile and then a small kid run towards him.
" wanted to play with me but he only ruined my things."the boy said hugging the legs of Ms.Robin.
"Tell him mommy will be there."and the boy release his hug and run again.
"Wow..I hope my boys will be like that and they don't fight."he whisper that I can only hear it.
"I hope they are." I said and chuckled towards him.
"Welcome to the Yakuza world, Cook-san."Ms.Robin said and Sanji only nods at him.
"Later."I said and Ms.Robin only nods at me.
After that I look at my husband.
He look at me and then motion me to tell him how to touch all the appliances and where the things are placed so that he will know if he wanted to cook.

After an hour we were both now eating and then I lead him to our new bedroom which is more spacious than the past bed and the baby stuff we bought was on the  side of the room and now organize on there places.
"Cook wanna go in the nursery?"I ask him where his eyes widen and nods at me while smiling.
I help him up on the bed and slowly drag him on the nursery.


As we are walking on the other side of the room I saw a name that had been carved in the door which it is the nursery and when Zoro opened it I was so amazed that all the stuff we bought months ago are now on the right place like the cabinets,the changing table,some toys a play pen the cribs and also the paint which it is the combination of blue and green for our boys.
I was so happy where I hug my husband and kiss him passionate.
"This is my dream..."I said while he wipes my tears.
"Yeah...I want you to be surprised of what I did..."he reply and hug me again.
"You look for it as you want."he said and he freely let me and I roam around to see and touch every things and stuffs we brought.
I look back to see Zoro just leaning in the wall crossing his arms and smirk towards me while I was happily open the cabinet and get one of the baby clothes which it is green with broccoli design in front, I giggled and look at him while I wave the cloth to let him see it and he chuckled and walk towards me then he hug me at my back and place his head on my shoulder while he rub my tummy.
"That was the cloth I pick when you pick the blue one with an apple design in front."he said and I hummed to answer him.
"I'm excited to both see them." He then said again and now he kiss my nape which brings shiver to my spine.
"Baby...I think I can't hold back any longer."he said while I moan, he unbuttoned my shirt and play my nipples, I moaned again but now I can feel his bulge in my back pressing in my butt.
"Zoro..stop..not here...I don't want this to be witness by our sons in their nursery."when I said that he growl and lift me up in bridal style.
I was surprised by his strength.
"I might be heavy."I said but he only smirk at him.
"No, you just gain weight because you carry our sons."he said and then we went back to our own bed, he then place me slowly in our bed and kissed me.
"Cook...I'm so sorry but I can't hold back for a long time."
"Me too Zoro.."as I said that he just kissed me and roamed his hands over my body but gently as he was aware of the unborn babies.
"Fuck.."he then swear.
"What?"I ask him
"I can't penetrate you." He answer and I only laugh at him.
"Then don't and actually it's hard for me to breathe." As I said, he then stopped and lay beside me.

"Why did you stop?"I ask him but he just chuckled. He rub my tummy and lean to kiss it.
I'm happy to keep you safe."
"But now your eyes."I said
"It's okay..I can see you with my right eye and Law said that I can open it when it heal."
"You bet...let sleep."
"Yeah...just wake me if you feel your hungry."
"Okay... goodnight honey, love you."
"You too."he smirk and then place me on his arms and secure my tummy.

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