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Six years later


I was in the kitchen when a loud thud can hear from here.
"Kaitaru....what happened?" I ask my kid.
"Mom...Varuna just lie on the ground.."he shout so I run back to them.
I saw Varuna on the floor with Kaitaru waking him.
"Varuna?"I ask him as I held him now.
"Call your dad outside."I told my son and now I'm hugging my youngest son.
"Baby wake up.."I said now in a teary eyes. Zoro came up and told me to get ready.
We went in the hospital every month to check up on Varuna and Marco said he's life is too short from now as that happened maybe he's going to die.
We came in the emergency room with Marco waiting on us.
"Marco....he suddenly fall in the floor."I said and he lead us on his room laying Varuna there and he check him up.
"Sanji...I'm sorry but I think we will do the operation ASAP*"
He said and I look at Zoro, he hug me as I burrowed my head on his chest.
"Do the operation Marco, just cure him, I don't like Varuna to suffer more." I look at him.
"But..but he's only seven." I said and Zoro place his hands on my chin and lift it.
"Look... you don't like Varuna to suffer more right, every time you went to get his injection he always cried, needing help and throwing a tantrum, Cook if you want to stop the suffering do the best for him."this is Zoro, my husband, I must trust him.
"Yeah, thanks Honey."I said and he kissed me on my forehead.
"By tomorrow I will schedule his operation in ten days so he might live here in the hospital for a month after the operation to check his improvement, Kumicho." Marco said as he looked at us while Varuna was now looking at both of us.
"I leave first for privacy....I will change the ward later to a private room in top floor."
"Okay...."Zoro said
"Talk to you later about the details." Marco added and now leave.

I went nearer to my son and brush his hair he look at me smiling so I smile also.
"How was your feelings?"
"I'm fine Mimi."he smile
"No, you're not fine..you just fell on the floor."I said but now holding his hands.
"I'm fine, it's just it was hot earlier that I feel I can't breathe, I told big bro and he hold me up to the chair but I pass out later than I can sit on the chair." Varuna added and now I can sense Zoro on my back standing.
"Mom...can I see brother?" He asked and I nod at him.
"Yes you can..why is brother so important to you?"Zoro asked and he shuffles Varuna's green hair and the kid laugh.
"Dad...I want to play with big bro."he said and just laughing.
I look at Zoro who's now peek a smile at our son.
"You will see him soon son just wait, big bro is coming."I'm so glad to hear that he called them son. I smile at him and he just kiss my head.
"I need to go now...don't be naughty and make Mommy cry hmmh."Zoro said and kissed Varuna's head.
"Bye daddy..."Varuna said smiling and waving to his dad who's now gone out.
"Mom...when do big bro gonna come here?"he ask
"Their coming honey."I said and kiss his hands.
"Mom..I would like to eat lunch with him."
"What would you like to eat..?"
"I want a take out from Mcdo Mom is that okay?"
"Yeah...will call uncle Ussop to bring it here."

After an hour of wait*

"Lil bro?"Kaitaru ask as he open the door and see me.
" Come here baby."I said to him and he walk fast and I carry him to see his brother.
"Sanji-san here's the take out you told me to bring."
"Lay them in the near table Ussop and can you wait Kaitaru to bring him home later?"
"Sure...call me later I need to go in the shop to buy parts of Franky's newest invention."
"Bye uncle Ussop.."Kaitaru said and the long nose wave also.
"Mom..how was he?"
"He's now okay baby but..lil bro can't go home for the next month."
"Why..is he going to live here ?"
"Just in a short time sweetheart... because he will need some rest to his disease."
"Okay...I will visit him every day so that he won't be lonely and sad."
"That's great...and I will cook the both of you your favorites."

The day of the Operation*

"Remember this Varuna..be strong and be brave...we are waiting for you here sweetheart." I said and kiss his forehead.
"Lil bro....don't be afraid...after this you can play with me and eat a lot of ice cream and cotton candy."Kaitaru assure him.
Varuna smiled at us but then faded away after he found there is missing.
"Mom... where's Daddy?"he ask.
"He's at work honey...but remember this daddy loves you...daddy work hard for this to be successful so don't get mad at him.."I calm him as now tears running down on my cheeks, he place his hands on my cheeks and smile.
"I'm not mad mom...I just want to see daddy before this."
I hold his hands and kiss it.
"Did I miss something?" A deep voice interrupt us and hug my back, I look at him and he place a kiss on my lips.
"Daddy will be here...I'm just a little late because of the traffic..but me, your mom and your brother are here waiting for you baby.."Zoro said and put a kiss on Varuna's head.
"Dad is right lil bro...."

After our talk to him Marco said that it's going to start in five minutes and they transferred Varuna in the operation room.
I think Zoro rush here as I can see some black men in every corner of the hospital.
"Kumicho.."one of his men said and whisper something to Zoro.
He then stand up and correct his tie.
"Where are you going?"I ask him but he only place a kiss on my lips and wink then on Kaitaru's head and ruffles it gaining a giggled to our son.
"Be right back."he only answer and left with a facial that can kill a lion.
"Mom..where is dad going?"Kaitaru asked but I only shrugged and put a kiss on his cheeks.
"After your brother be operated would like to help me cook for him?"
"Of course mom..I like cooking."
"Good baby..now let's wait for uncle Marco to finished the operation."
"Hmmm.."he answer and nod.
Where did Zoro go...I hope he is safe.

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