Dada and Mimi

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It's been a year and a half since I gave birth to my twins Kaitaru and Varuna.
They are both like their Daddy.
A 100% carbon copy of my husband and the other was just like me, he has an eyebrow that's curled, an eye that's blue and I think my personality also.
Both of them are my lovely babies and now I'm trying to teach them how to talk.
"Cook...I gotta go now...are you sure you're alright?"it's Zoro
"Yeah..I will be okay..since I'm also the father right?"I smile at him and then he kisses my forehead.
"Well gotta go."
"Now.. Kaitaru, Varuna...say goodbye to Daddy...bye-bye daddy."I said and waved their hands.
When Zoro turned back, Varuna spoke first..
"Da....da.."he said and I gasp ,Zoro stopped on his track.
"Dada..."its Kaitaru.
"Oh sweethearts are now speaking."Sanji said and hug the both of them.
Zoro went back on us and kissed my twins forehead and smile.
"Gotta go now..see you later." He said and smirk.
I can't imagine my boys are now talking a little bit.
"Now...let's teach the both of you talking."

It's been a while and they didn't even speaking or talking like Mommy but Dada is in their mouth.
"Do you love Daddy the most?"I ask them and the both look at me.
"Oh now you look so innocent."
When I walk out to make some milk to the both of them a sudden voice speak.
"bye-bye Mimi..." I look back and saw Varuna waving his hands and closed-open his fingers saying goodbye and what Mimi.
Kaitaru then said waving also his hands copying his brother. cute.
"Wait there babies Mimi will make you some milk." I said and move out on the play room which it is in the living room.
I then quickly made some milk in the bottle and when I went back I saw the two of them playing on their own.
Kaitaru playing with some squishy veggies while Varuna were on some squishy toys with sword in it.
I think they had their own likes. I hope Zoro will see this.

At night*

I felt the door opened in the nursery as I help the kids to sleep but they didn't even bother on it.
A hands snake on my waist and a kiss in my nape as it's approach me.
"Welcome home."I said and then lean back to give him a kiss.
"Dada..."it's Varuna.
"Well how are you kids?"he asked them and the both of them raise a grabby hands to Zoro which he then grab them and carry.
"I miss you two the most. "He said.
"Dada..."the both of them said and I just look at the three where I also took some photos.
"How about Mimi..?"I ask and then they look at me and I laugh while taking some photos.
"Mimi....mimimimimi..."the two fun size said and raise a grabby hands.
"Well I'm the favorite not you.." I said to Zoro and he just rolled his eyes, then give the two to me.
I rock them as they hug my neck, Varuna yawned first and then Kaitaru.
Zoro hug me at me back chuckling of what he saw.
"I missed some part that I must not missed right..Mimi."he smirk and kiss me on my cheeks.
" missed a lot."I laugh and put the two on their crib.
"'s my turn to teach you how to love me this night.."I said facing Zoro, wrapping my arms on his neck and kiss him.
"I like you being dominant sometimes but I want to do this to you..."Zoro said as he carry me out of the nursery and to our room.
He place me in our bed and now ravishing me with kisses.
"Your so beautiful as always cook."
"And your always this big Zoro." I said as I rub his crook and open his zipper.
"Yeah...that's the reason we had twins." He said smirking.
"I don't want some kids for today Zoro as the twins didn't even grown up a little and Varuna has maintenance which it's hard for us to add one."I said and he just laugh.
"I know...I'm not in a hurry for adding another...I just want to relax and love you more...even it's just every night."he said and then we kissed and kissed and make out.



I groan when I woke up by the sound of crying in the monitor and when I look at it..
Kaitaru was crying so I just wake up and put some boxer.
I feel Sanji wake up too.
"Crying?"he asked and I hummed for an answer and kiss his temple and carry the blanket up to his shoulder.
"Sleep more I'll take it."I said and he just smile and then close his eyes again.
I went into the nursery which it is only four in the morning.
When I walk near to the crib I saw Kaitaru crying.
"Hey..hey it's daddy...why are you crying?"I ask him and let him out of his crib.
"You have no poop, are you hungry?"I ask and make some milk in the nearest table in the nursery and try to give it to him but he didn't even drink it...I try to check the temperature but it's just right for the baby to drink, maybe there is something that bother him.
I look at Varuna who's... sleeping but something went wrong.
I call Sanji to come in the nursery and he went wearing my shirt and only boxers.
"What is it honey?" he said while rubbing his eyes.
"Try to look at Varuna please...I think there is something wrong with him."as I said that he then carry Varuna and try to wake him up there is nothing.
Kaitaru cry so loud and it now bothers me as I call one of my men to start the car.
Sanji is now crying.
"Varuna....wake up baby please..."
He said but nothings happened.
He look at me while I'm changing into some pajamas and I help him wear a shorts.
"Hey...look at's gonna be okay..he is alive.."I said and we held an emergency bag for the babies and went out.
"Where are you going boss?"
Franky said and I just said to the hospital which he then said they were on our back and that's when a car waiting us outside with my two men.
"Drive fast to Law " I said and he nods at me.
After fifteen minutes we are now at the hospital where Law is waiting on us in the emergency room.
"What happened?" He ask and Sanji only laid Varuna in the hospital bed and now Law know what happened.
He attached something to my son and that's when Varuna cried.
Sanji then cry again hugging me and Kaitaru.
Law check Varuna and look at me.
"It's not easy to operate a kid and I don't think I will do it."he only said
"Why...what happened?"I ask and he bow down his head.
"Varuna's is in critical condition...even that he I healthy in the outside but he's suffering in the inside.
His bones are so thin and some are slowly breaking."Law said which now I look at Sanji holding our son's hands.
"What are some other things to do to cure him?" I ask but Law only bowed his heads saying he can't do it.
"What are you saying you can't do anything? I made you as my trusted doctor, made this hospital for you to had work but you can't even cure my son."
"Zoro it's not like'm not a pediatrician...I can't...."he said which now my blood boil.
I give Kaitaru to Sanji and punch Law on his cheeks where he is flying in the room as some nurses are now afraid.
"If you can't cure my son..I will kill and all the people here inside my hospital."I scream where Sanji now slap me.
"What are you saying?"he ask me where I look at him with cold eyes.
"This is not you..Zoro..please calm can't force someone who cant even do it..maybe it's not his nature...look at the people around you.. they're all scared to think I will give you permission to kill them with a reason they can't cure Varuna?"
"Then fine...find that who can cure your son..."as I said that I turn around and leave him, all I can hear was my two son crying.

I went outside the hospital sighing out loud drinking some booze to ease my anger.
I can't afford to go back inside just like that.
"You think drinking can help you cure your son mate?"as I look at the guy it's Marco.
Wait what..?
"Why are you here?"I asked and he only chuckled.
"I'm here to cure your son...Law called me.."
"Law..called you?"
"Yeah...he said you were angry at him because he couldn't even cure your son."
"Yeah..where Sanji slap me."
"I can see that...well I can help you with your son...I think it's time for you again to be strong and face your family." He said and I just nod at him.
He pats my shoulder and came in first.

How rude I might be, doing this to Law and leaving Sanji alone?
I'm always this kind of person.
A coward.

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