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I saw Marco approaching me and Law who was talking and apologizing to each other.
"It's okay Sanji...if I were Zoro I might do it also."he said but I'm not convinced about it.
"No, Zoro was the wrong one who's always grumpy and can't even understand the situation."I argue.
"I think Law has a point, Sanji...if I were Zoro I would kill Law but he chose to leave to ease his brain to not kill him."
"Yeah that's right Marco.."Law said both of them went into Varuna's ward and looked at him now sleeping.
"He is like Zoro with your curly brow Cook-san."Marco said and laughed.
And I just hummed.
"Well I can help with Varuna's condition but in one condition I will be prescribed you some strong medicine for him to take it once a day and every month take him to the hospital for some check up...I will stay here at Zoro's hospital as I'm working here as the Vice president."
" he okay now?"I ask him and he nods at me.
"I inject him some medicine that can help his bones not to break but I will inject it to him again next month on the same date as this."he added and then I thanked him.
"'s good to hear blackleg-yah that Varuna is now in a good state...what about Swordman-yah?"
"Well I just saw him outside drinking booze."
"I think he will get back here after he finished it."
"Yeah..well we need to go now."
As soon as they move out Zoro enter and hug me.
"Are you okay now?"I ask and he hummed.
"Is he okay now?"
"Yeah..Marco just inject him some medicine to help him recover and he said we can be discharged at any moment."I smile and then he smirk.
"I'm sorry.."
"It's okay...I am always forgives you...this is who we are Zoro...we might be angry to each other but I promise you...I will forgive you this easy."as I said that he hug me again.
"I'm so lucky..the scariest person on earth..forgives by lucky can I be."he said laughing in my neck.
"Yeah...I'm change you."when I said it I think I might changed long ago.
I just giggled where looking at my children now sleeping peacefully.


Varuna has been discharged at the hospital two weeks ago and Sanji didn't even bother to come back in his own restaurant because he's priority was his two son.
"Mimi.."it's Kaitaru
"Yes Kaitaru...?"He ask but the kid only grin at him and pointing his brother, Sanji looked at the other where Varuna try to stand.
"Wow..Varuna are you trying to stand on your own..very good though."
"Mimi..."Kaitaru shout again.
Sanji look at him and he's trying to stand also.
" boys...Mimi is so proud to the both of you."Sanji said as he clap to them.

"Hey.."a voice spoke at his back and he sudden look back and saw Robin with Tony.
"Oh my.....your so cute..."Tony squele as he went nearer to the crib.
"Wow.. Cook-san I'm so glad to see that the kids grow fast."Robin smile.
"Yeah...I just figured out this time, it's hard being a parent as danger comes."I said brushing my nape a little.
"You know...were on the same boat as you...when I first gave birth to Tony, my husband is so overprotective and I can't even make in the bed to just put my books back on the shelf."she said and smile again.
"Zoro is different...he is more careful to me, he thinks I'm that fragile that he always carry me when I wanted to go in the bathroom or wanted to cook."I chuckled.
"Well...we just visited here so you're in a good mood... c'mon Tony dad is waiting outside."
"Bye-bye Kai and Varuna..."
Tony said and they both left.
"So where are we kids?"I spoke and the two just play on their crib, as usual Kaitaru play with some veggies and Varuna for some plushie Swordman and robots.
"When you two grow big like your daddy I'm so proud to tell you are my two miracle.

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