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late night conversations with someone who understands you are the best..conversations in which you just pour everything out even though you haven't talked in a while are just so therapeutic and healing..there are not a lot of people I feel comfortable in ranting out to and like actually get interested in talking to but this senior of mine who has now moved to another city to pursue his dreams is one of them..i can't really talk to him frequently cause he's busy in his life but we had such a beautiful conversation today that it seriously made me free of my worries for some time..obviously he can't come and fix stuff but he just gets me..i think he also gave me the best compliment I've ever heard...and it seriously made my night..i wish it was a real life conversation and i was allowed to hug him cause he's a guy..i am a girl so people might consider it weird but he's the only one in my life right now who actually gets me..even though the conversations are online, there is some warmth in his words that feels like a gentle pat on my shoulder or maybe a hug..it feels nice to talk to him..and for once i feel like nice people do exist..

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