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i fucking hate the so called 'peaceful community' (can't take the name, i don't want to be targetted by them) like bro you guys do so many wrong things in the name of your so called religion like srsly go and die..y'all ain't satisfied..y'all have destroyed us in all the countries that you're prominent in..but in India, just cause y'all ain't the majority, y'all act like you're victims and spread shits about your own fucking country..grow up people, srsly grow up..your country is reaching heights of development..leaders of other countries are literally touching your prime minister's feet..ain't y'all satisfied with the glory your country is recieving..yall hate the ruling party just because it belongs to one religion but tell me one example when this party didn't give equal chance to you guys..just cause your prime minister is strong, and bold enough to make a spot for his country in the world politics, y'all hate him??

grow up, srsly grow the fuck up..y'all suck if you can't realise this..

*i respect it if you don't agree but pls don't start hating here, i won't entertain that..i have a right to speech so fuck off..idc if this offends people, when y'all offend us, we're not allowed to say anything cause how can we..y'all are the minorities, we're suppressing you..fucking assholes

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