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beneath all the layers that i hide myself in,
isn't any evil, or some threat,
it's just a vulnerable girl..the girl whom u can see in me sometimes, it's also that happy child,
the happy child u can see in me sometimes..
beneath all those layers, is a sadist, who thinks pain's beautiful,
there's also a soul, that thinks everything is beautiful, and pain is unfair.
there is a person.
there is a person who carries all ive seen and gone through,
someone who's selfish,
but also,
someone whose main goal is making people happy,
there is someone who loves everyone,
though she hates everyone too..
she's confusing, you can't understand her, even i cant.
but it's a person, deep down in whose heart is a sea,
sea of feelings she carries,
of which u see merely a bit,
she doesn't purposely hide everything but she hasn't let her guard down yet, to anyone.
she does things for others more than for herself but also, she does almost everything for herself..
she's a psychotic narcissist but she hates herself,
she's a piece of shit,
but oh, her petty eyes and those kind thoughts, she's perfection but she sucks at being perfect..
she's weird but she's human..
beneath all the layers, the real version of myself that I hide all the time, is still a human being..is still trustworthy..is still kind..is still friendly..
but she's not just anything i said..
she's everything she wants..

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