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i lost her..i lost the old me..the innocent me..the me who didnt take everything so srsly..the me who didnt put her guard on anytime she's around a male..the me who loved to hug people..

i lost the naive, weird, cringey me..but atleast that me was not traumatized..atleast she was not so scared of speaking up and used to speak whatever's on her mind..atleast she never let people in her life again after they betrayed her..

she used to cry a lot..but at the same time..she never let the ones who made her cry live in peace..but..

shes gone now..and i miss her..

i miss her so badly..but she had to go..change is the only constant afterall..she had to go for this me to exist..and now..now i have to leave for a new version of me to emerge...

the new me which will be oh so different..oh so perfect and ofcourse oh so strong..and even though it's tough to let go..i will move on from this version of me and indeed will move to the road of acceptance of the new me...

(i wrote this a year ago..nothing's changed..)

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