Timing Is Everything

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After we returned to the hotel, Luca was in my room just laying on my bed on his phone.

'That referee was out of this world, like... there were yellow cards flying left and right.' he chuckled.

'Tell me about it.' I said putting my shoes on.

'Where the hell are you going?' he asked, holding himself up on his elbows to get a better view of me.

'For a walk.'

'You want me to come with you?'

'No.' I shook my head. 'I just need some alone time.'

'Are you sure?' he asked worried.

'Yes.' I smiled softly. 'I'll be back soon.'

And with that I exited my hotel room and headed to the pool. As soon as I got there I took my shoes and socks off, sitting down on the edge of the pool and dangling my feet in the water.

I supported myself by resting my hands against the ground and softly letting my head back to look up at the sky.

The sky was full of stars, and for the first time since today I was finally alone.

A few tears escaped my eyes until I found myself uncontrollably crying.

I hated this. I wanted to go home and be with Pedri. I wanted Neymar to win. I wanted Brazil to win. I wanted to not feel any of these. This wasn't me and I hated it. I hated how easily I broke down and how once again, my heart shattered for the same man.

Neymar's POV:

'I'm going to go and clear my head.' I told Bruna, who was lying on the bed, watching TV.

'Do you want me to come with you?' she asked softly, looking at me.

'No.' I shook my head. 'I just need some alone time.' I smiled and placed a kiss on her lips. 'I'll be back soon.'

'Okay.' she smiled softly and returned her attention back to the TV.

I've had people messaging me and calling me and everyone asking me if I'm okay and if there's anything they can do for me. But I wasn't ready. I wasn't ready to talk to anyone. I wasn't ready to face anyone, not even myself.

As I stepped outside, my eyes instantly fell on the person who was standing on the edge of the pool, her legs dangling in the water. She was wiping away some of the tears that fell on her cheek, not looking towards my direction once.

And I instantly wondered how long has she been sitting here, alone, crying.

Irina's POV:

After a few hours of sitting by myself and mourning today's events, I felt a presence joining me. I didn't turn around to see who it was, but I could guess.

Neymar took a seat next to me without saying anything.

I guess he needed some alone time too.

'I think I'm going to leave the national team.' he said after a few minutes of complete silence.

I quickly turned my head to the other side, trying to hide the tears that started flooding my face after his words.

'I don't think I can do it anymore.' he said it softly, and by the sound of his voice I knew that he has been and was crying too.

'I know...' I said quietly, looking down at my hands while fidgeting with my fingers.

'I can't do it anymore...' he let out a sigh. 'I've let down everyone. Every time.' he paused for a little while. 'I've let you down.'

I shook my head, wiping a few tears away. 'You didn't let me down, Ney.' I turned my head towards him for the first time he joined me. 'You didn't let me down.' I said softly.

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