Meeting Hottie Again.

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(Tap the media above, it'll show Bell's outfit on this chapter).
  It's Monday and Matt had successfully found me a job at Orange Fire PLC, I didn't get to go to college but my high school diploma can fetch small jobs like receptionist, secretary or minor jobs in a company, fortunately for me, Matt is a friend to the manager so I got employed as the Manager's secretary more like an intern.On my first day, I walked in with my peach colored shirt and my pencil skirt,I did a light makeup and got into the company, I looked around like I knew this place,"Hey,''someone said jolting me from my trance, "You're new here?"she asked with a smile,"Yes"I simply replied,"Good, follow me"she said and turned away, I follow after immediately,she took me to a cabin,"I'm Jasmine but my friend over there calls me Jas, you could call me Jas too"she said as she had pointed to another cabin where a lady was sitting immersed in her work, "I'm Anabell,it's nice to meet you" I replied smiling at her, "Mr Rogers isn't in at the moment so he asked me to show you to your cabin and it's close to Oma's cabin,when you settle in, notify me, you have a lot to do,besides that, you're welcome to Orange Fire,"she said so sternly like she has been working here all her life,there was not a mistake, I only nod my head with a smile and walk over to my cabin, "Hey"I greeted, she shrugged lazily before raising her head from her computer, "Hi, you must be the new girl, you're welcome, sorry that I'm a little too busy right now but I'll be through in a short time ok? Just settle in, feel comfortable"she said lazily but politely,I smile I walk over to my cabin, this company is really organized, I put my bag down as I boot my computer.
"Bell!" Jasmine called as she walked to my cabin,"Hey"I could only say,"Well, I and Oma are going out for lunch, it's our break, would you like to join us?"she asked resting her hands on my desk,"I....I don't know,I'm came with some food and I don't have much cash with me besides my transport fare going back home, sorry" I said looking at her,"Ok then, but we'll definitely go together tomorrow,"she said and left. I finished the files Jasmine gave me,I really wanted to give out a impression on myself, this work is an opportunity I won't be careless with, I have to save up and get a house, it's not like Donna doesn't want me in her house but I just feel it isn't right, there is no company in the world that would give me such a job without my college degrees, I won't let this one slip no matter what.
I stroll home after getting some apples for the kids, I happened to have used my transport fare so I had to walk, it felt like someone was following me, I turned around and saw a blue Lexus driving very slow, like a stalker, the car drove further and parked in front of me, the driver got down, "Hello, sorry, you must be Bell from Sutton place,"it's a masculine voice, I couldn't see his face clearly so I walked closer and to my surprise, it's Mr Hottie ,I mean Liam, "Hey"I greeted with a cheeky smile,he smiled back, "I knew it was the cute,wierd and funny brunette I saw yesterday,"he said playfully and let out a small laugh which I was flushed at,he just call me cute and funny, yeah, he also called you weird, weirdo. I rolled my eyes inwardly at my mind," what brings you here?"Liam asked waking me from my trance,"I work here,"I simply replied,"Wow" he exclaimed and chuckled,"so,going home?"he asked,I only nod my head,"on foot?"he asked again as he raised his right eyebrow questionably, I laughed at his reaction,"Yes, actually, I used my transport fare to get apples for the kids and decided to walk"I explained and laughed again,this time he was shocked," no way, do you know the distance from here to Sutton place? You'll end up spending the night on the road"he said at which we both laughed, "I really don't know cause it's my third day in Manhattan,I got here on Saturday, but it'll good to experience such," I say playfully and we both laughed, "Then let me drive you"he said smiling, "I wish I could deny such offer,but I can't, it's already passed seven,"I say playfully and he laughed, I got into his warm car as he started driving.

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