Blueberry Pie.

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(Tap the media above, it'll show Bell's outfit on this chapter).

Asher's POV..

It's been two weeks since I stopped Bell from coming to work, I've been restless and very depressed, I don't even have the urge for sex like before, Sasha is loosing it while trying to be patient with me, does it mean I still love her? I had to make this right.

I got to work a little later than I used too, I walked straight to the lady she helped that day, she seemed shocked to see me at her cabin, she stood up to greet me,
"It's fine, you don't need to stress"I said lowly, looking around before looking back at her,
"You're Jasmine,"I said assuring her of her own name, my mind facepalm me,
The lady nod her head,
"Good, you know Anabell very well don't you?"I asked trying to hide the desperation in my voice,
"Yes sir, she is my friend,"Jasmine replied with a bit of relief,
"Good, I want you to give me her number and send me her address, I need it today, we good?"I asked pretending to be casual,
She only nod her head, I mouthed a thank you and left her cabin to my office only to find out she had dropped the number and the address, I smiled, "I'll be giving you more credit for this".

Bell's POV..

"Miss Anabell there is someone outside waiting for you"my colleague said to me before passing by, I stood up in expectant to see Liam, I hurriedly got to the exit door and met a black car with a man by it, I guess that's my visitor, I walk over to the car since it isn't Liam, "Hello, you're..."I couldn't finish my statement,
"Hi Bell,"Asher said to me,
" here....Mr"I stuttered while asking,
"Can we talk later today? Maybe during your lunch break,"he offered with pleading eyes,
"No, there wouldn't be any need for that, you can say anything right here before I get back to work, I've got quite some time,"I said with folded arms,
"Bell please, it's urgent and very important,"he begged,
Why do I feel like a pawn in his games? I look up at him trying to consider or not,
"Fine, come pick me up after work,"I say and immediately walk away without glancing at him, before I could get to the door, my phone pinged, a message from an unknown number,
"Thanks alot," the message said, I turned to see that his car was moving and he drove off, I had this feeling it was Asher so I saved it.

Asher's POV..

"Please can you call Miss Anabell Kendall? It's quite important,"I asked the first person I set my eyes on, the lady blushed when I walked over to her but when I called Bell's name, she shrugged before going to call her,

I stood beside my car trying to call her but her number wasn't reachable. After a couple of minutes I see her come out, she looked stressed, I walked towards her to take her handbag,  but she pulled it away from my grasp, "You don't need to do that Mr Crawford," she said and walked straight to my car, I walked passed to open the passenger seat, she rolled her eyes and got in,
I took the wheel and started driving, it was a quiet and weird drive, till she spoke out,
"So Mr Crawford, what would your girlfriend think of you that you actually abandoned her to take a slut out?"she asked looking out the window, I understood this question pretty well,
"I didn't abandon my girlfriend, I was made to leave, the slut isn't really my girlfriend but an acquaintance like my girlfriend would call it"I replied facing the road, I could feel her eyes on me, she seems surprised by my outburst, she turned back to the window and didn't say anything anymore.

I drove to my favorite eatery since I got here, it wasn't something big but it was comfortable, I could eat there and feel at home, it was a kind of place Bell would like, away from all the drama. We got down and walked to the entrance, we got a reserved seat, my favorite spot. Bell took the menu as the waiter waited for us to pick a meal, I was watching Bell intently,
"Ummm, I'll like wheat muffin and mango juice "she said and handed the menu to me, I didn't need to go through it cause I knew what I wanted,
"I'll like blueberry pie,"I ordered,
"Sir, you've been our best customer for this particular dessert, the manager had order we give you one free pie whenever you come, as a gesture of appreciation,"the waiter said,
"That's not necessary but it's fine, I'll take it from next time thank you,"I replied and the waiter left, I turn to notice Bell had been looking at me,
"Why would you eat blueberry pie?"She asked intently with her arms folded,
I chuckle lightly,"Do you always act bossy?"I teased, not wanting to talk about it,
I had always hated pie, any kind of pie disgust me, when I met Bell she liked blueberry pie more than any food I knew of, she asked me to try it and I was sick for a whole week, she cried and fell sick too, after we both recovered I'll eat blueberry cake while she eats her blueberry pie, after I left I used blueberry pie to remember her, infact, I can actually boast of being the best pie baker cause I make it at home sometimes.
She wasn't buying my tease,
"I asked a question Mr Crawford"she said while gritting her teeth,
"Are you scared I'll fall ill again if I eat blueberry pie or you are selfish of sharing your favorite with someone else who happens to have that same favoritism for your favorite?"I asked with my playful smirk,
"And besides stop with all the formalities, you know my name "I added,
"Do I?"she asked with a serious tone when the waiter interrupted by dropping our meals at our front, I moved the blueberry pie to Bell and started on it.
I could notice her staring at me nearly through out the meal,
"You came to me for an important talk but we've done is eating,"she said looking down at her mango juice,
I cleared my throat nervously,
"Bell, I'm sorry for everything that has happened between us from the start, for all the times I hurt you and was too proud to say sorry, I'm sorry for leaving and never call, sorry for standing with Sasha over you, sorry for everything and I want to make things right,"I said nervously in a rush, she looked at me, it's been five minutes and she's still looking at me,
"Bell please say something,"I pleaded.

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