Mingle And Dine.

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Asher's POV..

How could Bell call me man slut in front of everyone?
I regret sending her away and I'll fix this but she had hurt me as well,
Sasha is just always around to worsen things,
She had yelling at me to fire Jasmine too,
I loved Bell so much, circumstances sent me away from her, it wasn't my fault,
"Shit"I muttered calling Sasha's uninvited attention, I roll my eyes as she got closer,
"I'm so sorry for what happened today, I was just too insulted that I had to retaliate but she got aggressive,"she said lowly, kissing my neck softly as she straddled me, her hot breath were on my neck causing my skin to inch,
"Fuck"I muttered, this was going far,
"Sasha"I called her attention but she wasn't stopping, nibbling my neck more, I pushed her slightly,
"What is it? What's wrong? You've been clearly avoiding me since the week before we got here, we haven't had sex and the urge is killing me"Sasha pleaded desperately,
Sorry but Sasha is a sex addict, her urges are always igniting, I had always been her drugs,
"I'm sorry, I'm really in a bad mood right now, can we do this a bit later? Please?"I said, trying not to offend her, she got off me and angrily left the room, muttering unheard words, I so sorry but seeing Bell feels like I'm cheating on Bell with Sasha.

Bell's POV..
"Bell! Out of your room now! You wouldn't want me to call a carpenter to pull this door down,"Donna had been screaming warningly behind my room door, I couldn't help it, I had been on my way home and she got to see me in tears, I couldn't let her in so came worried couple of times in the night to knock but refused opening the door, I guess she's fed up, I sat up when my phone pinged, two messages from Liam, then I saw a missed call from Jasmine, I call her back first,
"Hey,"she said acting bubbly,
"Jas, what's up? I had seen your missed call,"
"I'm really sorry for what happened yesterday, it should have been me in your place, you stood up for me and ended up loosing your job, a job you've always wanted, I feel guilty"I could hear the sincerity and care in her tone,
"Hey, it's not your fault I got fired, I had to stand up for you, you're my friend right??'' I questioned playfully, trying to lighten the air,
"Thanks alot, for standing up for me and I'm sorry you lost your job in the process," she said sadly,
"Let's talk later, shall we?" I say and end the call,
I tapped the icon to view Liam's messages,
"Hey chocolate chips, I heard you lost your job, I'm sorry about that," his first message said, I don't know how he knew that I got fired, to but it was a better thing to lift my mood a little,
"Bell please let's see, I want to lighten up your mood, I'll pick you up by seven pm, don't wear a grumpy dress"
This second message left me laughing, I got stopped abruptly by Donna's loud, annoying and continuous knocks, the noise woke Lizzy up, I had to take her outside the room, I sat down on living room and sent Liam a message,
"I'm expecting to get impressed" I replied and dropped my phone to face furious Donna,

"I'll be leaving tonight" my dad commented, I roll my eyes, like I cared if he stayed,
"Suit yourself,"I muttered loud enough for everyone to hear,
"Bell what happened last night?"Donna asked out of the blue, reminding me that I had a hurt in my heart, my stomach churned hard at the question she asked, I tried very hard to hold the tears but I couldn't, tears rolled down my cheek as I stood up to leave but dad blocked me from going, Donna rushed to me in concern, and Matt just stood close to his wife as her support, atimes I feel jealous of her perfect life, perfect family and all,
"Bell what's going on? Please tell me"Donna begged,
I smiled,"oh Donna, I envy you, your perfect life and your perfect smile when you see your perfect man and perfect kids, I always say 'when will I have a perfect smile like Donna?' I'm so miserable and cursed" I say smiling bitterly, tears didn't cease to stop roll down,
"No, Bell you aren't cursed, miserable and neither am I perfect, I just have to stay happy and try living better,"Donna said,
"I got fired,"
Everyone stared at me in shock and pity,
"Why would they do that?"Matt asked angrily as he picked his phone,
"By Asher "I added,
This time the pity turned to confusion and the shock on their face increased,
Donna held my hand and we walked to my room,
"How is there an Asher in your place of work?"Donna asked, she was upset but used her care to cover it up,
"He owns the company,"I simply replied, she wasn't surprised,
"And when did you find out he owns that place?"
"Couple of weeks ago, after the Liam accident,"I said keeping my head low,
Donna stared at me with a shocked expression in her face,
"Couple of weeks? I thought we were going through all of it together but you've been keeping me in the dark, we are together so we can work together, share our happiness and also our pain,"Donna said sternly,
"I'm sorry, ok?" I said look back at her,
"I didn't tell you cause I knew you would react like this, I can't just throw all those memories of yesterday away, just like can't forget mum and probably a couple of your exes that made a difference in your life, even if it's a bad one, Asher was my first and only and now I have his child, I can't just act like I'm ok with the whole shit when I know am not,"I say back and tears roll down my cheek, Donna softened as she pulled me in for a hug,
"I know you haven't stopped loving him but you'll have mingle and dine so you don't die of depression,"Donna stated and moved back from me,
I only nod my head cause I wasn't sure of what to do yet.

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