A Hole Slut!.

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(Tap the media above, it'll show Bell's outfit on this chapter).

Asher's POV..

"Son, please come back home or you'll give me a heart attack" my mum said from the other end of the phone,
I sat in bed checking through my works, "Mum, you are to young to have a heart attack "I replied plainly,
"Asher, it's two weeks since you left, if you don't come back I'll have...."
"Sorry for interrupting you mum but I have a call from the office "I say and end the call before she can protest, I've been thinking about Bell too much, my blue cupcake, I face palm myself for even thinking I'll be able to ever call her blue cupcakes, I keep scrolling on my laptop when another call got in,
"Hello, whose this?"
"Hello Ash, I'm at Orange Fire PLC, can you come pick me up?"
"Sasha??! How are you even there?" I asked in shock,
"I figured you got to Manhattan in New York City some days back, so I came to spend it with you, surprise!!" She said happily and chuckled,
Oh my gosh! Will Bell see Sasha there?! I thought as I stood up to get dressed in a casual wear,
"Are you coming? I'm waiting "
"Yes, just stay there", I'll be there in a couple of minutes, don't move around "I warned as I ran upstairs with my phone to change my clothes, I can imagine Sasha being her sassy self and Bell reacts to find out she is my girlfriend.

Bell's POV..

"Miss Bowmen, there is a lady outside in search of Mr Crawford, I actually asked her to leave but she's really stubborn,"the doorguard said to Jasmine, I listened intently as Jasmine walked to the entrance door and the lady happened to have gotten in, I guess, I could hear Jasmine saying, "Good day Miss, but the person you are in search of is not in, you should either give him a call or a text but if not, you should go home, this isn't an amusement park, it's a working organisation please,"Jasmine was trying her best to stay cool, from her voice, the lady scoffed, whose this lady in search of Asher? I left my desk out of curiosity to see what was happening,
"Do you know who I am? you must be sick or just blind, you stand before me to insult me, even from your badge, you aren't even a manager, some poor slut,"the lady insulted in mockery, I couldn't stand it anymore, I walked up to her, 
"Do you speak to every embodiment like that? Or you just lack home training on how to speak to people?"I questioned angrily but in a calm tone, she looked at me from my head down to my toes,
"I can get you sacked"she said lowly but I could feel the threatening aura coming from her,
I feign confidence,
"In your dreams darling"I say with my arms folded, waiting for her next action,I didn't know where I got such confidence to believe Asher wouldn't throw me out cause of his insane girlfriend,
She seemed shocked by my outcome,
"Do you even know me?
I'm Asher's girlfriend"she says smiling,
I was expecting her to say that,
I scoff mockingly, Jasmine and some other workers that were close to me tried to calm me down cause of the girlfriend bomb,
"I expected that, you know, you can hardly ever see a person claiming to do insane things in a very busy organization, especially when they have sexual relationship with the owner, like an acquaintance, a girlfriend like yourself, a sex mate, and definitely a wife, but shouldn't you be scared that I don't care?"I said calmly as everyone watched me in shock,
The lady is just as shocked as everyone else,
"Who are you?"she asked slowly,
"I'm Anabell Kendall,"I reply,
"I am his girlfriend!"she screamed at me, yeah, this girl is really insane,
"And I'm not a slut!"I shouted back just when Asher walked in like he was chased, he was shocked at my outburst, I was too angry to care about what he think right now,
The girl walked up to Asher in fake sobs,
"Ash, she called me slut, where did you get such an aggressive worker? She would have beaten me just now if you didn't walk in"she said in a low tone, Asher had his eyes on me in a very judging way, he walked up to me with his girlfriend lingering behind him,
"Anabell,"Asher called lowly,
I don't respond as I just look back at him,
"Why would you judge a person you just met today?"he asked curtly,
I looked at him in confusion and shock, it's not like I was expecting him to choose me over his girlfriend but I didn't expect such words,
"How can you say that? Did you even ask her what she did? Don't you judge me!"I say angrily, you could hear the bitterness in my voice,
"You are really aggressive,"he said harshly,
My heart churned in pain,
"Who of the both of us is aggressive? You really surprised me Asher''I say loudly,
"You really are a slut"The lady said from behind his back,
"You always feign a good man but you are nothing but a man slut! Bringing your bitches to work?? How unprofessional?"I insulted,
"What did you just say to me?"Asher ask, gritting his teeth,
"You heard right, you are a hole slut,"I said lowly as tears threatened to roll down my tears,
"Anabell Kendall,you are fired"he said looking me straight in my eyes, I laughed lightly as the tears roll down my cheek,
"Just as I had thought, well it's a pleasure," I say calmly as I walk to my cabin to pick my bag,
"I don't want to ever see you here again!" He shouted as I walked passed him,
"I bet you wouldn't "I say while I leave.

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