What A Day??!

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Lizzy had already eaten and slept so it was just me, Matt, dad, Donna and the twins,

"So, Jules tell me about that book again, I mean, such book should be acted out," dad said, he had been talking to the kids since he came,
The twins already cleared their plates and went to their room to sleep, the rest of us eat quietly, I rested my cheek on my left hand while I ate with the right one,
"So, Bell, how have you been?"he started off , I raised my head looking at everyone, they had their eyes peering at me,
"I've been good" I simply replied and faced my meal,
"So????....any plans?"he asked very slowly,
I know where his going at,
"Sorry???"I asked like I was lost,
"You know, this whole Asher stuff had been for three years now so, what next? Any new man?"he asked plainly,
What nonsense!!
"Why are you peering into my personal life Donald?" Yes, I sounded harsh but he deserves it,
"Cause.....I'm your father and I can ask any question that bothers me," he answered plainly,
"How can you say that? I owe you no explanation Mr Donald Kendall so stop peering into my life!"I shouted angrily and bitterly, dad wasn't surprised, but Donna and Matt was,
"Bell please, calm down,"Donna said quietly,
"You really need help, cause I don't understand why a child would be so harsh as at holding grudges "he said harshly to my surprise,
I laughed, "Wow!!"I said feigning surprise,I clapped my hands loudly,
"Oh Mr Donald Kendall, highest award for the best dad of all time goes to you, congratulations!"I said in mockery still laughing,
"Bell, you should stop,"Donna said lowly like she was about to cry,
"Oh no, Donna, don't worry, save yourself the stress, she's already
nuts,"dad said plainly causing me to leave the chair like it was burning,
"Donald....."I called but he cut me short of words,
"You should keep sitting in your past, you are doing all this because you don't want to be pitied, I love my child! I will not stand and watch my child ruin herself," he said loudly as he had stood up,
I breathe in relief and scoff,
"You're just like me Donald, exactly the same, you are the one still sitting in your past, you are here because you don't want to be pitied and picked on for being a dick, you feign love for us but I never saw any, you ruined mum, you ruined me! you are the cause of my disaster, you should never be forgiven," I say lowly, loudly and lowly again,
"You both should please stop,"Donna was saying in tears with Matt rubbing her back in comfort,
The shock on dad's face was priceless like I expected, I walk back to my room and continue in tears, what a day??!

Hey Bellarina's, did you enjoy this chapter? I bet you did, I'm sorry for making Bell cry twice a day!😔.....but let's bubble up for the next chapter, sorry I had to make this chapter short for specific reasons.
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