Pinky Swear.

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(Tap the media above, it'll show Bell's outfit on this chapter).

Asher's POV..

She looks like me, how could I have a child and I never knew? I didn't want to question Bell angrily, she had every right to hide it from me, I was the one who left, at least I'm very grateful she didn't terminate the child, I owe her a big thanks, she's gone through alot already in my name.
I drove to Bell's place as at seven thirty (7:30am) with food, teddy bear, chocolates and some snacks for Elizabeth my child, i like the fact that she actually named her after her late mother, I knocked and Donna opened,
"Donna, hi"I greeted, she gave me a dull smile,
"Hi Asher, you came just in time for breakfast,"Donna said trying to smile, yeah, even if it were me I wouldn't have been happy with myself, I nod my head and join her in,
"Babe, I'll be off now,"Matt said and kissed Donna cheek before he noticed me, we both nod our heads at each other as a greeting, he walked out, I looked back and saw Bell in a red singlet and black jeans, she looked good just that there were bags under her eyes, she hadn't slept well, or she didn't sleep at all,
"I wasn't expecting to see you"she said in a bit of surprise,
"I know, we need to go and see Elizabeth, she might be awake already,"I said with a narrow smile.
We both got to the hospital and thankfully Elizabeth was awake, I smiled and moved closer to her,
"Hi love"I greeted, her with my best smile, Bell smiled and walked over to her, Lizzy's eyes brightened as she saw Bell,
"Mummy!"she exclaimed lightly,
"Yes darling, how are you feeling?"
Lizzy nod her head and turned to me, Bell looked at me and back at Lizzy, so did I,
"Mummy, I don't know uncle,"she said with a confused face,
"No baby, it's not uncle, it's daddy, your daddy"I couldn't believe I heard Bell tell our child I'm her dad, the surprise couldn't wear off my face,
"Daddy?"Lizzy exclaimed more brightly,
"Yes Elizabeth, daddy got you things,"I say playfully and she cheered, Bell had a surprise on her face, I happily leave the hospital and picked a guard who helped me carry most of the things back to Lizzy's ward, you would think I was celebrating a birthday party, Lizzy happily clapped and cheered loudly, Bell had a big smile on her face,
"Mummy, daddy is the best!"she screamed happily as played with the teddy bear, Bell pouted and the sight of it caused me to laugh, I was enjoying every second of it,
"Are choosing daddy over mummy?"Bell said feigning a frown, I would laugh off my stomach, Lizzy immediately shook her head, she gestured I come closer, I move down to her and tried to whisper,
"I like your hair and I like you more than mummy for today, please don't tell her," I was using all the power I had in me not to laugh, Bell heard it all and was shocked at Lizzy's outburst,
"Where were you daddy? I never saw you before,"she said, she wasn't really good with vocabulary cause she was a kid, it made her cute, cute little me,
"I was working and saving for you so I can take very good care of you and buy you all the chocolates and teddy's in the world"I said playfully, she pouted,
"What's wrong darling? Did daddy say something wrong?"I asked in concern,
"Daddy, now you are here, will you go away again?"she asked, I turned to see Bell's reaction but she was only smiling,
"No, never,"I say still looking at Bell, she looked down as her smile dropped,
"Pinky swear?"Lizzy asked smiling as brought out her tiny pinky finger, I put mine in her's,
"Pinky swear" I confirmed with a smile and kissed her forehead.

I feel like crying, our story is going well so far, please keep voting and commenting, I love you guys.
Thanks alot.

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