Mum's Story.

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, (Tap the above media to see Bell's outfit on this chapter).

I got home late cause I had been crying and thinking that I got so weak to leaving.

I got home and met Donna in the kitchen, I walked to her and kissed her cheek from behind, she always reminded me of our mum, she chuckled and turned slightly to look at an exhausted me,
"You always kiss my cheek when you are in a good mood, but right now is the opposite," She said looking at the mix she was making, I don't know how I would tell her Asher is my boss,

I wash my hands and joined her mix the flour and butter, I could feel her staring at me once in a while,

"I got a call from dad, he wants to come spend time with us and the kids" she said and looked down at her mix,

I shrugged as I slumped on a seat, "why now?"I muttered loudly, Donna could tell I wasn't ok but she didn't want to push it and I was very grateful for that,

"Dad is already in Manhattan but Matt had to go to get him from work,"she said again, I know when Donna is observing me, she'll be very slow while talking and stealing glances at me,

"Wow, so where is Aunty Giselle?"I happened to ask like I cared at that moment,
"She had to go home,"
"Ok"I simply said, Donna washed her hand and gave me her full attention, like I actually needed it, Oh gosh! I'm loosing my mind,

"Bell, you and I know you aren't ok right now, do you want to talk about it?" She asked with concern.

I shook my head slightly,

"It's fine, I won't push it, whenever you feel comfortable you can talk to me okay?"
"And you can always talk to me if you have any issues,"she added with her motherly smile,

I smile back and felt the urge to just pour it all out, I moved to her and hugged her tightly, I pouted my tears on her shoulder, in front of her I can't feign happiness, she rubbed my back slowly, whispering soothing words to me, "I'm sorry" I managed to say, I moved from her as she used her hand to wipe my tears, I couldn't help but laugh, I had used my flour covered hands to hug and stained her dress, unfortunately she didn't have an apron on, she laughed when noticed it, we laughed for a while not just the stain but it had also put both of us at ease and lightened the atmosphere, "You should go take a quick shower and come join me make dinner,"she said and I ran off to my room, the thought of dad caused a churn in my stomach, he makes me remember how much I hate Asher, he got mum pregnant with Donna while they were in college, luckily for them they got to go the same college then, Dad wasn't ready for it neither was mum but she couldn't terminate it cause she was scared of dying, mum dropped out to take care of Donna, dad started dating the popular girl at college, he always made excuses to come see mum, she trusted dad to never cheat or lie, after having Donna, mum gave up on going back to college, saying "I'll stay back and wait, you go to school and come back home"she said to him, mum had so much belief in him and it killed her, Donna is ten years older than me, cause after mum had her she waited, dad got out of college some years after mum dropped out, they got married two years after dad graduation, why he did was because mum had gotten pregnant of me and he was avoiding the shame, after mum had me, dad travelled in the name of business trip and didn't come back for some years, only for mum to find out the reason he did a private court wedding with dad's friend as a witness was because his family weren't aware of mum's existence in his life, he had travelled out to get married to a general's daughter the wedding was all over the news worldwide, our neighbor then came to show mum the video, mum fainted and lasted three straight months in the hospital, luckily for us Donna was around sixteen or seventeen, I hated dad for everything he did, when mum told us her story I felt bad for her, I regret ever disappointing her, dad's wife got pregnant and died while in labor with the child, he had all her money cause she signed everything she had to him, extravagancy was dad's other name, he lavished everything, he has a house far away, he came in and told us everything, apologetically and Donna had to forgive him saying we had to move on, I hadn't moved on, I still haven't.

I walk out of the bathroom drying my hair with a smaller towel, I about to pick out a nightwear from wardrobe when my phone pinged, I roll my eyes and picked up my phone, a message from Liam,

"Can we see? I've really missed you" he added a crying emoji,
"Sorry but my dad's around today, I can't " I texted back and put my pyjamas on, another ping, I picked up my phone,
"You've been making excuses to see me, are we good?? If it's about that day at your workplace, I'm sincerely sorry,"

I feel sorry for him cause I've avoiding him and now things are worse Asher is back, I get distracted by the noise outside, I guess the father and his son-in-law are back, I roll my eyes and sluggishly leave my room.

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