Kenzie And Travis.

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(Tap the media above it'll show Bell's outfit on this chapter).

Bell's POV..

Its been two weeks since the beach madness, I had to leave Donna's house forcefully, I just wanted to start my life anew even if Donna refused saying she had a lot of space to accommodate me and Lizzy, I got a small apartment from the money I had saved from working with Asher's company and the small intern pay, the place was portable besides I had a project coming up with ISCOM organization, I got that one through Asher since I plainly refused to work with him again.

I sat on my couch alone, Lizzy was at Donna's, I just wanted to prepare for my upcoming project, my phone pinged,
"Hey," Kenzie, great, I rolled my eyes,
"Hey, Kenz,"I greeted lazily,
"Baby girl, I'm at Sutton place but I don't know the address,"she said, yes, Kenzie called saying she was on a long holiday and would be coming with Travis her boyfriend she cheated on, to spend time with me at my new house,
"You're sick, I sent you the address sev..." A knock came on my door interrupting me from my angry words at Kenzie, I moved to the door and shockingly opening it it's Kenzie and Travis,
"Ahhh!"we both screamed and hugged ourselves, Travis chuckled lightly and carried their bags in while I and Kenz kept hugging and screaming, yeah she taught me those.
"That's really funny,"I said between my laughter, I, Kenz and Travis sat down taking macaroni and cheese, Kenzie has been on and on about how a teacher offered her a ride and still asked her to pay cause she insisted she had a boyfriend. I wasn't expecting Kenzie and Travis till I had fully put my house in place, she offered coming to stay and keep me company since I'll be staying home to work and also would hardly see Lizzy since she stays with Donna more.
"But seriously why would he do that?"I asked still laughing,
"That professor is just insane,"Travis as he sipped his glass of wine,
"Bell, what about Mr Dunlop? Your..."she trailed off looking from me to Travis, Travis cleared his throat while standing up,
"I guess that's my cue to leave, you girls with your gossips," Travis said and went to the guest room I arranged for them, I and Kenzie laughed till he was out of sight,
"So?.."Kenzie said again, this girl, very cunning,
"We had a fight cause of Asher,"I simply said with my head low as I munched on my plate of macaroni and cheese,
"Wow, that's huge, why? Are you seeing Asher again?,"she asked lowly so Travis wouldn't hear, we both knew Travis and Asher were friends during high school days,
"No, we only had a fling once and went out a couple of times,"
"What?!!!"Kenzie shouted and covered her mouth afterwards,
"It was nothing,"I stuttered while talking,
"Oh no, your face is giving a different story, gosh!"Kenzie seems impressed by my very wrong actions,
"Next week is his engagement, you'll be there with Travis right?"I tried changing the topic, Kenzie winked at me, she knew me very well,
"Yeah, if we get an invite,"she simply replied,
"Great, so I don't feel lonely,"I say sarcastically and roll my eyes, she chuckled,
"Well, Cinderella, your man is feeling lonely already so, I'll leave, by evening we'll go to Donna's, I've missed her s'mores and cakes,"she said and hurriedly finished her and left for her room.

I didn't bother changing my casual wear, Kenzie, Travis and me took Travis's car to Donna's bakery, she was surprised to see us,
"Oh my goodness! Bell, you never told me I'll be seeing Travis and my baby Kenz here in Manhattan anytime soon,"Donna exclaimed in utmost surprise, we all sat at a table as Donna brought s'mores and ice cream, beautiful combination, my stomach was already growling,
"Kenz baby, how have you been at college?"Donna asked as she watched us gobble up her s'mores, yeah, I can never get tired of my sister's meals,
"Fine, we've been good,"Kenzie replied referring to herself and Travis, she never leaves him out,
"That's great,"Donna replied,
"What about my little twinnies?"Kenzie asked playfully.
We had so much fun at Donna's bakery, we planned on driving to her's by morning since it was already late,we joined her clean and pack up as she handed me two packs of cakes for greedy Kenzie.

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