I'll Accept Her.

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"Where are you heading at?"I asked when he drove a different direction from home, he heard the slight fear in my voice and chuckled, "Relax, I'm heading to a grocery store, it isn't far from here,"he replied with a playful smirk, I stayed quiet as he parked by a big grocery store,"Liam,I'll just walk home from here"I said in discomfort, he looked intently at me,"Let's just buy a few things before we go please"he begged, I would feel like an ingrate if I allow him do his shopping alone after he had given me a lift, "fine"I said after thinking it through,I got down and followed him into the store, he went straight to the children's line ,holding a shopping basket,"So, Bell, what do you think kids would like?"he asked,I tapped my hand on my cheek thinking, "Well,Jimmy and Jules like cakes and apples but Jimmy loves granola bar, Jules loves pancakes and pizzas, while Lizzy likes everything besides pudding,"I say and laugh, he started picking any snack that catches his eyes, especially the things I mentioned, "So, Liam, who are you doing shopping for?"I asked as he swiped his card, paying for all we took,"my friend kids"he simply replied as we got to the car and drove my way I told him to stop exactly at Matt's house,"Thank you so much for the ride,"I said as I got down,getting to Matt's door, I heard a car door shut, I turn around and see Liam running towards me with the groceries he bought, I looked at him in confusion,"ehmm..you didn't give me your number,"he said, handing me his phone, I quickly punch in my number, Aunty Giselle opened the door and met me, "Hi, Aunty Giselle"I greeted not comfortable with her seeing Liam, and it seemed he wasn't moving from where he stood, just there I heard Donna's voice approaching the door, "Aunty Giselle, why are you still?....."she was interrupted by the sight of me and Liam, she got closer and looked from Liam to me, "Good evening Ma'am" he greeted with his charming smile, Donna smiled back but it didn't reach her eyes, she gestured us to come in, just there Jimmy and Jules ran to hug me, rushing the bag from my hand, I meant the apple bag, Lizzy came, running with her tiny legs, I picked her up and twirled her as she giggled, she always likes it when I twirl her, Donna quietly walks ahead of us to the dinner,"Since you are here, let's all have dinner together, shall we?"she said gesturing Aunty Giselle to get the food, "Well, I got you little cuties this,we didn't know exactly what you liked so we got all"he said to my surprise looking at me while saying the last part, Jimmy and Jules couldn't content their happiness as they saw granola bars and pizzas, I can't believe he actually lied to get this things for the kids. We all sat for dinner, When Matt walked in, the kids ran to hug him,"Hello, Superman and Cinderella, and definitely Snow White,"Matt hailed them causing us to laugh, he laughed as he raised his head to meet a new face at dinner, "Ok....what did I miss?" He said slowly as he walked over and gave Donna a kiss on her head and tapped my back, he sat down with as Aunty Giselle served his food, "Oh, actually you didn't miss much, it's just that Anabell brought a male friend home on a first day at work and her third day in Manhattan,"Donna said sternly, faking a smile, which we could all see through, "Ok, it's normal to make friends on a first and third day,"Matt said cautiously not to make a mistake with his words, Jules hit his arm, "don't make this any worse, I can't return the pizzas,"she attempted to whispered but heard it all, "what's your name?"Donna asked bringing everyone back to Liam, he didn't seem nervous as I expected, "I'm Liam Dunlop,"he simply replied, as he continued eating his food, "funny enough, did your friend tell you she has a kid?"Donna asked as we watched his reaction, surprise,his thoughts would be, how is it possible?, "Yeah that's what I thought, she didn't tell you and you didn't expect to ever hear such, right?"Donna threw at him again, "I'm sorry, but I bumped into Bell on Saturday and when I saw her again I recognized her so we chatted a little and I found out she had already been coming on foot so I decided to give her a lift, and here we are, besides, the whole child news came as a shock cause yes, I wasn't expecting it but she would have told me on an occasion and it's not a bad thing to have a child, I will accept her child just like her cause I see a good friend in Bell."he said, Donna was shocked at his outcome, so was I and Matt. After Liam's speech, everyone ate quietly,"Ok, it was nice meeting you, I would love to come around some more if you are ok with it, it's already late, I should leave,"he stood up and Matt gestured I follow him out, I walked behind Liam to the door, "Thanks for a crazy night"he whispered and we both laughed, lowly, "Goodnight"I said and watched him walk to his car, he gave me another look before getting into his car to drive away.

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