Bike Breaker

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"Why am I here again?" Dudley asked from beside his cousin who was walking determinedly to the giant fence that housed a myriad of dilapidated and used parts behind it.

"Because I need a lookout and this is the only place I can get two wheels for that damned bike without paying for it," Harry bluntly replied.

"I wouldn't exactly call it free," Dudley swallowed thickly, "there's still those junkyard dogs to worry about." Dudley almost shivered at the rabid dogs that guarded the area.

"Guess I'll just have to avoid them then," Harry cockily told his cousin with a smirk on his face. "Just stay right here and yell if there's people coming," he ordered before turning to the fence and scaling it with ease.

"Where did you learn to climb like that?" Dudley yelled up at his cousin who was halfway up the fence.

"You used to chase me around at school, at that point it was either climb away or get my arse kicked."

Dudley cringed at the memories of him bullying his cousin and flushed. While their relationship had mended, the boy still felt guilty about his past treatment of the nicest boy he knew. "Sorry about that," he called.

"Don't worry about it, now shut up and keep watch," Harry replied as he descended the fence and landed on the other side with practiced grace.

Harry turned away and stalked his way through the yard, intent on finding any kind of lookalike of his bike and taking the parts from it. He silently padded along the dirt road before ducking at the sight of three massive sleeping dogs. "Dudley wasn't lying," he breathed to himself.

The wizard crept through the yard, scanning every piece of junk as he did so, before finally coming across two wheels that were rusted through with the tires still on them. He gazed over them and mentally pictured how they would look once attached to the frame of his half-repaired motorbike. He remembered the state he found the bike in and wondered if these were the two wheels that were missing from the frame. Regardless, it would be too risky and dumb to take just one pair of wheels, he reasoned. He whipped out his wand and shrunk the two parts before once again creeping through the yard.

Twenty minutes later, Harry's pocket was filled with three sets of shrunken wheels as he traced his steps backwards to Dudley. He took care to avoid the sleeping dogs once more before racing to the fence once he was sure they were out of earshot.

"Dud," Harry called before an evil smirk spread across his face. "There were no dogs," his smirk grew to an evil grin, "I think they must have..." he made a show of acting terrified as he pointed behind Dudley, trying to trick the unwitting boy into believing the dogs were behind him. The resulting girlish shriek from Dudley reduced Harry to a laughing fit.

"Y—you should have seen," he drew in a deep breath, "the look on your face." He was now hunched over on his knees as his laughter continued ceaselessly, never once thinking that his cousin's extremely high pitched shriek may have woken the dogs.

Harry cocked his head in confusion at his cousin's shocked look but waved it off. Dudley was going to have to be much more original if he thought he could scare him, the wizard arrogantly thought. He was sure the dogs were sleeping soundly.

"HARRY," Dudley yelled before three roaring barks announced the presence of the junkyard dogs behind Harry.

"OH SHIT," Harry cried, his eyes bulging out of their sockets at the sight of the feral beasts, as he scrambled up the fence with the three beasts nipping at his heels as he did so. The wizard flew up and over the fence like a bat out of hell before not even taking the time to properly descend and jumping off.

"Ow," he groaned, "OW," he exclaimed as his cousin kicked him in the leg.

"Serves you right," Dudley spat with a smirk, "you're such an arsehole."

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