At The Grangers

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"So, Harry," Dan shot a smirk to his daughter, "tell us what Hermione's like in school."

Harry pretended to think about the statement and hid his face when an evil grin crept across it. He was going to have some fun with this. "She's positively dreadful, sir," Harry chuckled, "she doesn't do her homework, always talks in class, sometimes she even talks back to her Professors." He barely had time to finish before Hermione pounced on him and started pounding against his side with her fist. He laughed in between grunts as the parents joined in in their laughter.

"Harryyyy," Hermione whined. "Tell them the truth," she ordered.

Harry looked to her and her parents and decided to have one more go before telling the truth. "Did I mention the fact that she's not even tops in her classes?"

"HARRY JAMES," Hermione frustratedly called before smacking the boy on the shoulder again. She tried to maintain her affronted facade but the corners of her lips kept turning up.

"Okay, okay, okay," Harry raised his hands in surrender, "I'll be honest."

Harry cleared his throat and looked over to Hermione then back to Dan and Emma.

"She's the most brilliant witch I know. They call her the brightest witch of her age and it's perfect for her. There's nothing she can't master at school, whether it be spells, potions, or anything else. She's bloody amazing, pardon my language, and I don't know how I would have made it through some of my years without her. Beyond all of that, though, she's the nicest person I know. She's always willing to help whether it be through her hugs, advice, or just being a shoulder to lean on," Harry looked back to Hermione who was looking at him with a watery smile, "and she's tops in every single one of her classes," he proudly added without ever breaking eye contact from her.

"Oh Harry," Hermione cried once his speech was over and buried herself into his arms. Tears of joy quickly streamed down her face as she nestled into his neck, soaking his shirt's collar.

Dan and Emma watched the whole scene with fond looks on their faces. They expected most of what Harry said about their daughter but his earnest tone and overwhelming compliments had let them know that the boy well and truly had it bad for their daughter. Even so, they were happy to here that their Hermione had not changed a bit since her acceptance to that school.

"Sorry I soaked your shirt," Hermione sniffled with a bright smile on her face once she left Harry's arms.

Harry waved her off with his own grin and turned back to her parents. He nodded at them before taking his seat at the dining table, Hermione following after.

"Dinner is served," Emma called once the family was seated. She served up an entire ham roast, the aroma of which penetrated the very essence of the room and served each member of the table. She took care to give harry two slices, batting away his rejection as she did so, because she noticed he was a tad too thin.

"Really, Emma, you don't have to do this," Harry told her even as the smell of the ham nearly made his mouth water.

"Eat, Harry," Emma ordered with her tone brooking no room for argument.

Hermione shifted her chair closer to Harry before digging into her own serving. She hoped he didn't notice.

"Oh my goodness, this is amazing," Harry called after he finished his first bite of the ham before digging into it again.

Emma smiled brightly before feeling as her husband tapped her on the leg. She looked at him inquiringly before he slickly gestured to Hermione watching Harry's every move and shifting her chair ever closer to the boy. She tapped his arm reproachfully but smiled nonetheless as she promptly set about in eating her food.

"Hermione dear, I'm sure Harry doesn't need help to eat," Dan called with an evil grin.

Hermione stuttered and blushed before turning back to her food and hiding her face. If Harry wasn't here, she would kill her father and it wouldn't be quick. She felt Harry's inquisitive gaze on her but paid it no mind as she quickly began to devour her food. When Harry's eyes finally left her, she breathed a sigh of relief but didn't resist chancing a glance over to him. He was leant back into his chair, completely sated as he finished his meal, and was breathing softly with his eyes closed. She wanted to trace the sharp lines of his jaw but held back. She wanted to sweep her hand through his hair but resisted. She was just about to lean her head on his shoulder when she caught the knowing look her mother gave her.

"Mother, may Harry and I be excused? I need to show him to his room," Hermione told Emma.

"Sure, dear," Emma flippantly responded whilst still giving Hermione the same look. She smirked when her daughter rolled her eyes at her and promptly pulled Harry up from his seat and dragged him upstairs.

Hermione sighed in frustration but kept Harry's hand in hers as they ascended the stairs. Her parents were overstepping their boundaries and she was growing annoyed at them both. Harry was here, however, and she wouldn't allow them to ruin this day or the remaining two days they had together.

"I cleaned it up just for you, do you like it?" Hermione shyly asked as she opened the door to the guest room revealing a near perfect replica of the Gryffindor dormitories without the paintings and statues. Her worries were eased as Harry looked around in wonder before a soft smile adorned his face.

"You're brilliant, it's wonderful," he said without looking at her, failing to notice her radiant gaze on him. He grunted when she crashed into him and wrapped her arms around his neck to rest her face on his back. He smiled to himself before doing something unexpected to even himself and kissing her knuckles. "Thank you," he truthfully told her.

Hermione nodded against Harry's back before feeling as he turned and pulled her into his chest, enclosing his arms around her waist. She looked up at him and decided to follow through with her plan made from last week. She was finally going to kiss him and put her feelings to rest. She'd spent the last week deciding her plan of action and the moment was now perfect. If she just leant upwards, she would join their lips together and know how she truly felt about him.

"Done showing Harry his room?"

Hermione closed her eyes in barely contained anger before quickly leaving Harry's arms to regard her mother. "Yes, mother, he likes it very much," the girl proudly declared before stalking off to her own room, leaving Harry alone with her mother.

"What was that about?" Harry asked after Hermione's abrupt exit.

Emma only chuckled before patting him on the shoulder. "Nothing, dear, I'm sure she's just angry that we actually have to sleep tonight," Emma smiled at him, "otherwise she'd have you up all night doing who knows what."

Harry nodded with a blush, thanking the deities that the room was dark enough so Emma couldn't see it, and looked up at her.

"The room is wonderful, truly," he surprised himself by bugging her, "thank you for letting me into your wonderful home."

Hermione was absolutely right, her mother thought. The boy was truly wonderful and kind. She brought her hands up to stroke the hair at the nape of his neck and spoke, "it is no problem, Harry. You will always be welcome in our home."

Once the embrace was over, Emma left Harry alone in his room. Alone in the dark room, he was hit with a wave of tiredness that commanded him to retreat into the bed. He obeyed easily and promptly dropped himself into the comfortable queen sized bed, allowing himself to be swept away by sleep.

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