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Harry raced to Hermione's room before the girl opened her door and careened into his arms, knocking him backwards into the wall.

"Oh Harry, I'm so sorry. I didn't know my parents were going to treat you like a piece of meat," Hermione cried in his arms.

Harry deeply chuckled as he rubbed her shoulders comfortingly. "It's fine, 'Mione. It was quite funny actually," he remarked as the memory of his interrogation washed across his mind.

Hermione held the hug for a beat longer until she felt Harry softly pushing himself away from her. She looked up in surprise to find Harry looking at her seriously.

"Hermione, we still need to talk," said Harry with a trace of solemnity in his voice.

Hermione tried to speak but Harry's finger gently pressed against her lips and stopped her before she could say a word.

"Your parents asked if we were a couple," Harry kept his finger pressed against her lips, "and I didn't have an answer for them."

The girl raised her eyebrows in confusion before catching the hidden meaning behind Harry's statement. He wanted to know if they were a couple, if their kiss had meant anything. Merlin, he was daft. Even after two heated kisses and her confessing her feelings, he was standing in front of her still unsure of where they stood.

"Herm—ow, ow," Harry started before Hermione swatted him on the shoulder twice.

"Oh Harry, you're so daft sometimes," Hermione told him before looping her arms around his neck.


Hermione sighed in frustration before kissing him on the cheek and looking deep into his eyes. "First of all Mister Potter," she jabbed her finger into his chest, "I don't go around lip-locking anyone just for the fun of it."

Harry considered Hermione's declaration for a moment before realization hit him like a bludger. He still felt the need to voice his question, however. "So does this mean we're a couple?" he bashfully asked.

"Urghh, Harry Potter," Hermione once again wrapped her arms around his neck, "as if you needed to ask," she continued before kissing him fully.

He smiled against her lips before embracing her fully and pulling her tight against his body. As far as days went, he was sure that this ranked at the top of all of the days he was alive for.

A minute later, the kiss ended and both teens were left breathing heavily against each other. A contented smile shone on both their faces as the realization of what they had done played it's way through their minds. Nearly six months ago, neither of them would believe they would be in this position. Yet, here they were, a couple.

"I know I don't need to ask but," Harry cupped Hermione's cheeks, "will you be my girlfriend?"

Hermione wanted to mess with him but one look into his eyes revealed the secrets of the world to her. She nearly gasped at the depth of love, adoration, and admiration that shone within his green irises. "Yes," she found herself answering with a breath as her arms dropped to her side before one came to clutch his waist.

Harry barely restrained himself from yelling out loud in pure elation and, instead, bent down to join his and Hermione's lips together again. He thought that the feeling of her lips against his would never get old. He deepened the kiss, smiling against her lips as he did so, as her hand tangled in his messy hair.

"Ahem." The couple broke apart instantly at the sound and blushed when Hermione's parents came into view. They hurriedly tried to mutter out apologies before Emma waved them off.

"While we understand you two are together. Do try to keep the display of affections to a minimum, hmm?"Dan firmly asked despite the kind smile on his face.

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