One More Day

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"Harry, Harry," Hermione breathlessly sang down to the sleeping boy. When no response came, the girl smirked and decided to wake him in more 'attentive' ways.

Harry was faintly aware of a weight on his stomach and a wonderful voice as he roused from his slumber. Blearily, the tired boy reached for his glasses only to find them already on his faces. It took a moment for his jade eyes to adjust to the radiant sunlight but he did so in short order, bringing a beaming Hermione Granger into view. The boy could only beam back at her in response as his hands came up to cup her waist while she straddled him.

"Morning," Hermione whispered, leaning down to let her hair fall as a curtain over her and Harry's face.

"As far as waking up goes," Harry leaned up to inch closer to Hermione's lips, "this is the best."

As soon as he finished, Hermione took the initiative to glue their lips together. The teenagers kissed wildly as Harry sat up to wrap his arms around Hermione's back.

An eternity later, the pair broke their kiss apart and stared at each other breathlessly. Dual goofy grins appeared on each of their faces before the reality of the day hit. Today was Sunday, today was the day Harry was due back at the Dursleys.

"I'm really going to miss you," Harry told Hermione with audible regret and sadness.

In response, Hermione hugged Harry and cradled his head against her chest as she carded through his hair. "I'll miss you too, Harry."

Harry nodded against her chest and pulled her closer to him, wanting to drink in the scent that always seemed to relax every muscle in his body. "We'll see each other again this summer," he promised.

"I know that, but it's so far," Hermione whined. The girl cringed at her tone of voice, feeling every bit like a petulant child throwing a tantrum. When Harry chucked against her, she swatted his shoulder but kissed the top of his head as she extricated himself from their position.

"Well hurry up Potter, I won't have you spend all of your last day in this stuffy room. We've got so much to do." She flounced out of the room, letting her hips sway a bit when she felt Harry's piercing gaze behind her.

"Yes, ma'am." Harry chortled before rising from his bed and stretching his aching limbs. He padded out of the room into the adjoining bathroom and quickly brushed his teeth and rinsed himself off to get ready for the day. The last day at Hermione's house.

Minutes later, the wizard entered the kitchen to find the entirety of the Granger family sat and having their breakfast. He mumbled out a quick apology for his tardiness before seating himself next to Hermione and clasping her hand in his momentarily before turning to the plate of bangers and mash.

"So Harry, what are your plans for your last day with us?" Dan called as he sipped on his morning tea.

"Well, to be honest, I intend to follow Hermione's lead," Harry joked with a wink to Hermione who blushed in response.

The parents chuckled in response before eating the rest of their food in comfortable silence with the teens. Every once in a while, they noticed Harry and Hermione smiling at each other, as if communicating wordlessly, before turning back to their food. Despite the very blunt and detailed warning from Harry yesterday, Dan and Emma knew they could not simply cast the boy out of their lives. Not when he seemed to bring such joy to their little girl's life.

When breakfast was finished, Harry quickly set about in cleaning the table even as Emma tried to wave him off. "Please, Mrs. Granger, it's the least I can do. You've all shown me such wonderful kindness," he told her as she tried to take the plates from him. The older woman acquiesced begrudgingly.

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