Chef Harry

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"Pass me the dutch oven," Harry told Hermione who looked at him in confusion.

He smirked at her before reaching around her and pulling the huge pot from behind her, taking care not to hit her as he did so. "Dutch oven." He winked at her as he held the pot up to her.

"Forgive me for not being nearly as masterful in the kitchen as the great Chef Harry," said Hermione sarcastically as she curtsied to him.

Harry only shook his head with a chuckle before placing the pot on the stove and turning to gather his materials. "Cooking's like potion making, Hermione," he called as he bent down to look in the fridge, "I'm honestly surprised you don't like it."

Hermione did not register a single word from Harry because her mind was currently preoccupied with the delectable sight of his wonderful bum being put on display. She licked her lips at the sight of it and almost made her way over to give it a squeeze when Dudley walked into the kitchen. "Har, Harry's friend," he greeted, "what are we having tonight, Harry?"

"Beef stew," Harry called from his position hunched over the fridge.

"Perfect," Dudley glanced to Hermione, "erm, are you okay?"

"W—what?" Hermione responded before absently smoothing her dress out, "I'm fine. I was just...lost in thought."

"Hmm, okay." Dudley seemed to accept her answer and padded upstairs to freshen up, leaving Hermione alone with Harry's bum. And Harry, her mind forcefully reminded her.

"Whatever," the girl exclaimed in response to her frankly annoying conscience.


Hermione looked up in surprise after realizing that she spoke out loud. Her blush quickly covered her face as she mumbled out an apology before hastily leaving for the breakfast table.

Harry watched her quizzically before shaking his head at her antics and returning to his work. The stew would be done in a little over a half an hour and he needed to prepare some mash to go with it. With this in mind, the boy raided the pantry for potatoes in clear view of Hermione. He reached up to pull the sack of potatoes down, never once noticing the lustful look Hermione was giving him when his shirt rode up his waist and revealed a small patch of skin underneath.

Hermione thought she would die when Harry's shirt had ridden up his waist and bared his skin to her, revealing the little happy trail that led downwards into his pants. What she wouldn't give to follow that trail, she thought before catching herself and fanning herself with her hand. It would be hell and heaven to live with Harry like this. Well only if you weren't his girlfriend, her annoying conscience reminded her. She nearly bit back a response to the annoying voice but restrained herself.

An eternity later, for her at least, Harry finally retrieved the potatoes and ambled back to the kitchen. She watched him as he maneuvered about the kitchen with grace befitting that of a ballerina. He looked comfortable, completely in his own element as he swept back and forth through the small space. Hermione let a soft smile across her face, trying and failing to remember when Harry ever looked so peaceful. She absolutely loved the sight laid before her. He deserved a bit of peace after everything in his life.

Dudley returned to the kitchen and joined her in watching Harry move about. He glanced at her, smirking when he saw the soft smile on her face, and shook his head. His cousin was daft if he didn't think this girl didn't have eyes for him. That, or he was still heartbroken. Either way, Dudley reasoned, it was clear he was blind. Oh well, it wasn't his place to interfere.

The pair continued their vigil over Harry until he turned to them with a huge grin on his face, "Done," he declared.

He quickly uncovered the dutch oven, allowing the rich aroma of the stew to spread through the house. At the resulting grumbling of his company's stomachs, Harry let out a booming laughter before carefully filling three plates with stew and mash. "Bon appétit," he said as he placed the dishes in front of Hermione and Dudley. He cracked open a fizzy drink for himself and Dudley before looking at Hermione inquiringly.

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