Aggressive Expansion

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"DUDLEY GO WAY," Harry yelled back as he pulled his covers over his head to drown out the sunlight.
He groaned as Dudley kept pounding on the door, intent on not letting him fall back asleep.

"HARRY WAKE UP, WE'RE GOING SHOPPING." That got Harry's attention. So that's why Dudley was excited. What did have to with him though? Muttering to himself about annoying cousins, Harry stumbled over to the door and opened it to greet the beaming annoyance.

"What's gotten you so cheesed?" Harry grumbled as he languidly stretched.

"We're going to the shopping centre, all of us," Dudley declared with a shit-eating grin. "It'll be fun, now hurry up and get dressed."

At his words, Harry yawned and nodded before padding his way over to the bathroom. He was thankful that his sleep had been dreamless but he still thought he looked ghastly. His hair was sticking up in all directions and his eyes had bags under them. He sarcastically thanked his cousin for the early wake up and got to work in cleaning himself up.

"Finally, what took you so long?" Dudley asked Harry as he practically bounced on his feet to his fully dressed cousin.

"I was thinking of ways to murder people who wake me up," replied Harry sardonically. He smirked at his cousin before grabbing an apple to munch on.

"Is everyone ready?" Vernon entered the room with his keys twirling on his fingers.

"Come on, off we go," Petunia called as she descended the stairs. She smiled kindly at Harry before ruffling Dudley's hair and beckoning them out the door.

It had been nearly two weeks since Harry returned to the Dursleys and he still thought he would never get used to the kindness of his aunt and uncle. He half expected to wake up and realize that it was all a dream but it wasn't. Every single day had been much of the same. It was certainly going to take some getting used to but Harry thought he might never get used to it.

The car ride to the shopping centre was filled with Dudley's chattering of all the clothes and trainers he wanted. Vernon would occasionally talk about the foods he wanted to try at the cafeteria and Petunia would add something about an item she had been meaning to pick up. It was as normal as normal could get so of course Harry's scar decided to twinge in pain, reminding him of his abnormality.

"You alright there, Har?"

Harry shortly nodded at Dudley and concentrated on the sights and sounds as they passed him by. The scar kept twinging and he had to remind himself that Dumbledore's enforcers must be following him. Nothing would happen, he was under protection. Try as he might, though, Harry couldn't escape the feeling in his gut.

When the family arrived forty-five minutes later, Ye stepped out of the car and scanned around for any sign or signal that he was being watched by Dumbledore's men. He found none but tried to reassure himself that it would be okay. Dumbledore had ordered them not to interfere in his life after all. Nothing would happen, he mentally reassured himself.

"Come on, Harry, let's get food first." Dudley hustled up and dragged his cousin into the huge mall.

"Splendid idea," Vernon agreed with a chuckle as he followed the two boys with his wife trailing after.

Vernon, Harry, and Dudley raced to the cafeteria. Well, Harry was being dragged by larger cousin but he still wanted to go nonetheless. Whatever this place was, it certainly seemed like heaven on earth to his uncle and cousin.

"Bloody hell," Harry remarked at the sheer number of eating options presented before him. It had just about every type of cuisine you could think of. Indian, Chinese, Italian, and more. He understood why Dudley was so excited. It was a food lover's dream.

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