The Truth

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Hours later, the sun had set while Harry paced back and forth as he waited for Hedwig to return with a response from Dumbledore. He had quickly penned the recollection of his vision and sent her off to Dumbledore with the Granger family watching his every move. When Hedwig returned with the letter, he resolved to tell them the truth of what he learnt from Voldemort.

Hedwig returned minutes later and Harry wasted no time in ripping open the letter and reading it while Hermione read over his shoulder.

Dear Harry,
This is most concerning. It seems you and Voldemort have an ability to see within each other's minds. There is no telling how far this can go or the true nature of this connection. Because of this, I know of no way at the moment to stall the visions or end them completely. The few thoughts I have will need to be tested when you return to Hogwarts this year. As for now, all I can suggest is for you to write to me whenever another vision comes. As for your questions regarding the protection around Miss Granger's home. It is true that I have deployed several of my most trusted contacts around the house in order to protect both you and her. I understand that you believe Voldemort has made Miss Granger a target and, so, I have resolved to keep protection around the Granger home even after you leave. Rest assured, Harry, nothing will happen to Hermione. Enjoy the remaining night and day you have with her before you are due to return home. As for Mister and Mistress Granger, I have assigned two personal details to them as well. Do inform them of this and assure them that my colleagues will be of no bother.

Professor Dumbledore

"Shit," Harry muttered lowly. There was no way to stop the visions which meant that his nightmares were not the only thing he had to worry about. If any future vision was like this, then there was no telling when and where he could collapse in a pool of blood.

Hermione noticed the distressed countenance of Harry and wrapped her arms around his front before burying her head into his back. "Harry, we'll be fine, you'll be fine," she assured him even if she didn't quite believe it.

A million and one thoughts were running through Harry's head as he thought of the letter. The death eaters had tried and failed to attack the Granger home but he couldn't feel comforted by it. If he hadn't visited, the death eaters wouldn't have even tried to attack Hermione much less find out where she lived. As he looked over to Dan and Emma, he realized that he needed to be honest with them once and for all. He kissed Hermione's knuckles before gently prying her arms from around him and standing up.

"There is no easy way for me to say this, Mr. and Mrs. Granger," he began.

"Harry?" Hermione looked up at him with mild fear.

"It's alright, Hermione. I need to tell your parents the truth."

Harry gestured for Hermione and her parents to sit on the bed as he stood in front of them. He readied himself for his confession and resolved to accept whatever they wanted him to do, even if it meant leaving their house with immediate effect.

"The man who gave me this scar," Harry pointed to the mark that lay on his forehead, "he is hunting me." Harry sighed heavily and raised his hand to stall any questions from the three people. "His name is Lord Voldemort and he is the man who killed my parents. Up until last year, he was thought to be dead by many. Some, including me, knew better. Last year he returned and he nearly killed me. I—I lost a friend that night."

Tears quickly streamed down Harry's face as he thought of Cedric, the man who didn't deserve to lose his life the way he did. Willing himself to continue on, Harry drew in a sharp intake of breath. "I don't know what he wants from me, and I don't know why he seems hellbent on killing me. Whatever the reason it may be, it means I am his number one target. And because of that, anyone who associates themselves with me," Harry let his stare linger on Hermione, "is now at the top of his list."

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