Broken Bonds

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Nothing could have prepared Harry for the sight he would meet once he stepped back into the shopping centre. The interior of the building looked like a scene out of a horror movie as the floor was littered with corpses and the walls were painted red with blood. The beeping of the security alarm rang out, echoing through the silent hallways as Harry cautiously stepped forward. The death eaters had spared no one. Women, children, no one was exempt. A rage unlike any other filled him as he vowed to make Voldemort and his cohorts pay.

As Harry strode through the centre, he wondered why Dumbledore or the Aurors hadn't showed up. They HAD to know what happened here. He refused to process the idea that the so called forces of good were sitting flat on their arses while people were being mercilessly slaughtered.

His soft footfalls echoed through the building as he paced forward, eyes and ears on alert for anything out of the ordinary. He kept his head up and scanned every which way before soft groans, barely audible, made their way to his ears. Despite everything in his body telling him to rush over, Harry crept forward at a snail's pace.

"We don't know where he is, we swear." That was Vernon's voice, Harry knew.

Harry pushed his way forward until he heard the groans of his uncle just around the corner. He peeked around to find five death eaters all surrounding Vernon and Dudley who were whimpering in pain. Knowing there was no way he could take them all down by his lonesome, he sat back and thought of anything that could help. His mind ran on Dumbledore and his allies but their absence was clear as day. He was on his own.

"Very well, then I suppose you are of no use to us," a cold voice that Harry knew to be Lucius Malfoy drawled.

Before thinking, Harry stepped around the corner and raised his hands in surrender. He knew he had no other choice than to give himself over to save his family's lives. "HEY," Harry's voice came out hoarse and was painful as he spoke. "I'M RIGHT HERE." He could tell Lucius was smirking even from so far away. He silently stepped forward to the death eaters, arms still raised, and came to a stop just a few feet away from the gang of maniacal murderers.

"Harry Potter, we meet again," Lucius smoothly greeted. "When last I saw you, you were running away from our Dark Lord. Yet here you are, ready to stand against us."

Harry glanced down at his whimpering, bloodied relatives and was filled with a cold rage that he barely kept in check. "You want me, I'm here. Let them go," he reasoned to the platinum haired wizard.

"Sacrificing yourself to save a couple of muggles," Lucius dragged his wand across Dudley's cheek, "how very noble of you. I suppose we could consider letting them go," He came to stand right in front of the boy. Looking down in visible condescension, Lucius wondered how this was the boy that foiled all of their plans. He certainly was nothing special, he thought arrogantly.

"But you see, Mister Potter," Lucius grabbed the boy's hair and spun around behind him, forcing him to his knees as his arms secured themselves around the boy's neck, "we know who these muggles are."

A cold shiver went down Harry's spine at Lucius' whisper and he struggled against the man's arms in a desperate attempt to free himself. Lucius' chuckle could be heard as he kneed Harry in the back, sending him to the floor once again.

"Now let us watch as my friends rid the world of this filth," Lucius commanded.

"WAIT, WAIT, WAIT," Harry screamed as Macnair stepped behind Vernon and Dudley, wand raised and at the ready. "THEY HAVE NOTHING TO DO WITH THIS. YOU HAVE ME." His pleas were only met with chilling, cruel laughs. Hot and bitter tears streamed down his face as he struggled against Lucius who now held his face up to watch the execution of his family.

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