Initiated Chaos

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Run. Run away was far as you can was the only thought that played in the green eyed wizard's mind. If that auror truly intended to arrest him, then it meant that they blamed him for the incident at the mall. He would have to clear his name soon but he couldn't risk going back home to the Dursleys to plan out his next course. It would be a rookie mistake and they would capture him before he even got the chance to reason with them. No, he needed to find somewhere else.

The landscape of London turned blurry as he pushed his bike to the limit. He knew not where he was supposed to go but he figured that no place in the magical world would be safe. Not Diagon, not the Burrow, not even Hogwarts. He canvassed his mind for any place to go before Hermione's address tore through it. It was risky but it was also unexpected. He reasoned that the aurors would most likely search his home first before heading to the Leaky Cauldron and Diagon Alley. They couldn't have known about his relationship with Hermione and they certainly wouldn't think to search her place first.

With his new course of action set, Harry blitzed down the streets at breakneck pace on his way to Hermione's house. He knew her home was just outside of London and that he could cut the trip's duration down if he kept his speed. There was no time like the present.

When the neighborhood around him started to look familiar, Harry knew he was in the right place. He searched up and down before his heart shot to his throat when he caught sight of something he was all too familiar with.

The dark mark was floating above Hermione's house.

"SHIT," the wizard screamed before speeding towards Hermione's house and dismounting the bike to race in her home.

Not caring if the death eaters were still in the house, Harry burst through the door with his wand raised. "Please don't let her be dead, please," he whispered to any God that would listen to him. He drew his guard up before his wand fell from his hands bonelessly. He felt numb all over as he looked down to the scene laid before him.

There, lying right in front of him, were Dan and Emma Granger. Their faces were contorted in grotesque positions as their eyes belied the shock on their faces that he knew was there moments before their death. Harry trembled with agonizing pain as he looked down at the two innocent people who had opened their home to him. He promised them, promised Hermione, that they would be safe. He didn't keep his promise.

"I'm sorry," he mournfully whispered as he knelt before the corpses. "I'm so sorry." The tears came torrentially and he allowed his misery to completely overtake him. He reverently ran his hands over the faces of Dan and Emma and closed their eyes.

He didn't know how he tore his eyes away from their bodies, but it was for the best because he still had to find Hermione. Despite himself, he breathed a sigh of relief when Hermione's corpse wasn't amongst her parents'.

With renewed determination, Harry combed through the house for any sign of Hermione. When he found nothing on the ground floor, he crept upstairs, praying that she would be alive. As he landed on the upstairs hallway, he took notice of several corpses of death eaters littered along the walls. Hermione was able to defend herself, he thought with relief.

He searched every room upstairs and still found no sign of the girl. Every room was partially destroyed which meant that her duel with the death eaters had spilled over into multiple locations. He found himself calling out to her unthinkingly and against his better judgment. "HERMIONE, ARE YOU HERE?" he called with a yell through the hallway.

"Harry?" Hermione's muffled voice came from behind the walls.

"Hermione, it's me, Harry." Harry tried to listen for her response to locate her. She remained silent for a short beat, filling him with worry that she was badly hurt.

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