He's Here

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Harry arrived at the front of the Granger home in record time and carefully dismounted his bike. He glanced around, looking for any passersby, before shrinking it down to fit in his pocket once more. With that done, the boy turned to face the house. It was quite large but not at all intimidating, he thought as he walked up to the front door. He raised his hand to knock before overwhelming nerves hit him right in the face. He was going to meet Hermione's parents. What would they think of him? Did they know about him?

He took a deep breath and rid himself of his worries and softly rapped on the door.

Seconds later, the door swung open and a brown haired missile crashed into Harry before he could even think to offer a greeting. The wizard barely had time to react but managed to secure his arms around Hermione's waist. "Oof, someone's happy to see me," he joked as his arms came up to rest on the small of her back. He closed his eyes and relished in the closeness of her. 

Hermione hummed in agreement against Harry's neck before clutching her arms around him tighter. Merlin, she missed his warmth and the scent that was so distinctly him. A week apart was far too much time for her. She buried her face deeper into his neck, unaware of the fact that her parents were watching the scene with equal smirks on their face.

"Ahem," Hermione's father said, drawing a surprised look from Harry who still didn't let go of Hermione.

Hermione spun around quickly but made no move to leave Harry's arms as she sheepishly looked to her mother and father. Her blush came quickly and she hid her face behind her hand while Harry tried to hurriedly mutter out a greeting. "G—good morn—afternoon, Mr. And Mrs. Granger."

"You must be the Harry Potter we've heard so much about," Dan leaned in closer to Harry when he caught the boy's confused look, "Hermione never stops talking about you."

"Daddy," Hermione muttered halfheartedly before her blush spread to the tips of her ears and she hid her face in Harry's neck. She vaguely registered the laughs from both of her parents but didn't care as Harry, thankfully, wrapped his arm tighter around her.

"Only good things I hope," Harry lamely joked, a blush tinted on his face as well.

"Nothing but," Hermione's mother jovially replied. She appraised Harry and the boy could have sworn she licked her lips at the sight of him. "Well, some introductions are in order. I'm Emma and that's," she gestured to her husband, "Dan. You can call us that if you prefer but do not call us sir or ma'am. We're not old."

Harry smiled at the two people before trying, and failing when Hermione seemed to burrow into him, to extricate his arm from around her. He looked to her parents for assistance but only found two sly grins on each of their faces. Softly, he whispered to her, "Hermione, I've got to let go now."

Hermione slowly moved from the embrace but intertwined Harry's hand into her own before her own wide smile appeared on her face. "I can't believe you're here, there's so much we have to do. I have to show you to your room and then we can..." Hermione prattled on excitedly before her mother interrupted.

"Dear, let's let Harry actually get into the house and settle in, hmm?"

The excited witch nodded quickly and pulled Harry along with a bright smile on her face. Once they were into the house, she found it hard to stand still as they waited for her parents. She was practically bursting with joy and couldn't wait to lead Harry around the house.

"Did your parents give you another fizzy drink?" Harry asked, grunting when she swatted his shoulder and hugged him again. He didn't know what had changed in the week they were apart but he figured he should keep doing it if this was the reward he was going to get. Her beaming smile and tight hugs were doing all sorts of things to him, making him feel all warm and fuzzy inside.

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