chapter 1

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Wei wuxian was billing in his billing section.He saw a old man falls on the floor,he ran towards that direction.He helps Oldman to stand up.He enquired,"Grandpa are you okay?"
He was about to say something,A group of bodyguard surrounded him.A man wearing elegant suit enters the spot.He has alpha domineering aura.Everyone on the surrounding felt suffocation.He has a handsome face.

Suddenly that alpha slaps Wei wuxian hardly.wei wuxian fell on the floor.He passed out.small droplets of blood is flowing through his mouth.

Old man yelled,"wangji what are you doing?He is the one who saved me from falling. Take him to hospital now."
Wangji orderd his men to take him hospital.
Lan ruhan said,"No one is going to help must admit this omega yourself in the hospital.This a punishment for your arrogant must apologise him."

Wangji irritatedly agreed,he cannot deny grandfather order.

Wangji picked Wei wuxian in bridal style and walks towards the exit .He brings him in a clinic.Doctor said nothing to worry,due to fear he lose consciousness.

Wei wuxian slowly opens his eyes,he saw a handsome face.Relaization hit him,he is the alpha who hit him.He looked alpha,wangji is looking the omega.wangji is firstly irritated.He doesn't want to bring a low class omega with him.But he cannot deny his orders.But wangji is mesmerized by the beauty of omega. Beautiful rosy lips and a mole under the lips,Big doe eyes .He doesn't see the omega was staring him.wei wuxian snapped wangji .

Wei wuxian,"why did you slap me?"
Wangji maintained his arrogant face and said,"I misunderstood that you try to harm my grandfather."
Wangji,"l am leaving"
Wuxian,"why don't you say sorry to me? When You are at wrong ."
Wangji,"l don't think it's necessary."
Wangji get up from his chair and throw some money and his business card to Wei wuxian.Then said,"This your compansation .if this is not enough you can come this address and ask money. Money can settle everything.I have no time to waste."
He maintained arrogant spoiled brat look and left the place .

Wuxian become sad.That arrogant alpha doesn't say sorry and insulted him.
He called the shop keeper and said what happened.He is very kind hearted,so he tell Wei wuxian to go back to his house and take rest.

Wei wuxian went to Bus station and get in his bus.He is sad.


Wangji enters lan mansion.suddenly madam lan pinched on his eyes
Madam lan:"you brat,why did you hit an omega?"
Wangji,"ahh...ahhh....leave my ear .I misunderstood him that he is trying to harm grandpa "
Madam lan,"but it is inappropriate to hit an Omega in must enquire what is happening there first."
Wangji,"ok mom,pls leavey ear."

Xichen,"what is now problem mom?"
Madam lan,"This brat hit a beautiful omega in public."
Xichen,"haha .... wangji why are always make troubles?"
Wangji,"Dage,l am not making trouble...aah...leave my ear."

Lan yibo enters mansion.on seeing him wangji yells,"bobo please save gege"
Yibo,"gege always make troubles.I said him that the Omega is helping grandpa,but instead he slapped him."
Wangji,"you said me that he pulls grandpa."
Yibo smile mischievously,"don't you have eyes? don't you know how to distinguish pulling and saving?"
Wangji ,"you devil,you fool me."
wangji try to catch yibo.yibo ran.They were laughing and hiding.xichen and madam lan sees this and laughs lan qiren enters the mansion.yibo hide behind him.
Yibo,"dad,this gege bullies beautiful bobo "
Lan qiren glared at wangji.
Yibo sticked his tounge out and mocked wangji.
Wangji get irritated. xichen and madam lan laughs loudly.
Qiren pats yibo's head. yibo shows his puppy eyes.
"Is the family drama over?" Lan ruhan asked.He comes with his secretary song lan. Everyone keep quiet on seeing his emotionaless face.

Yibo comes near him and pouted.
Yibo,"wangji gege bullies little bobo." He shows his puppy eyes.

Lan ruhan glared at wangji. Everyone is block there laugh and try to maintain a clam face.
Wangji wanted to burry yibo in a pit.

Lan ruhan,"if one more you try to bully my bobo,you see real face.bobo, You don't fear him."
Yibo,"okay, grandpa."

Wangji irritatedly leave the place. Everyone laughs.
Lan ruhan,"stop pranking wangji.look today he slap a beautiful omega. don't do any naugty acts."
Yibo,"okay he or me is more beautiful?"
Lan ruhan,"of course my bobo is more beautiful."
Everyone laughs and leave for there respective works.


Wei zhan who reach home parks his cycle.He enters home.He looks the table food is ready.He looks for wuxian.
Wei zhan,"what happened dear?you look gloomy."
Wei wuxian,"nothing gege."
Zhan,"okay,do you eat?"
Wuxian,"we can eat together."
Zhan,"okay "
After eating,they went to there respective rooms and slept. Wei wuxian is kept thinking that how arrogant is that rich brat.He prays for not seeing that ugly face of alpha.not is most handsome face.No my brother is most handsome Alpha. Thoughts of alpha fill in his mind.soon he falls asleep.

Wangji get irritated. Always everyone support yibo.He feels jealous of yibo.But truely he cares him a lot. yibo is apple of eye of lan family. wangji's mind wanders to the memory of beautiful omega.mole under his lips,wangji gulped hard. Wamgji thinks he may say sorry to beautiful may be rude if he doesn't appoligize omega.Soon he fall asleep .


We can wait how destiny joins them💚❤️

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