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I kept my calm , known gossip column are good at getting celebrities and socialites. Smile all through the dinner.
After the dinner,it was a quiet ride home.
Did you enjoy your self?
Was he kidding or clueless. Maybe he'd written me off that he was wasn't paying attention to me at all.

I pushed away from him, needing the distance.
Yes I did,
He reached for me ,amara  and I pushed his hands away.
As soon as we got home, I walked straight to the room.

Saturday morning came, Nathan and I didn't say a word to each other . As he was busy with the chef for the brunch.
I put up a best smile as Chris came with nana.
Nana could sense I wasn't not myself. Telling her I was just tired from last night.
Chelsea arrived and took a sit beside me again and Nathan sat beside her.
You should know amara, I didn't want to come today, it took me courage. With the history him and I . Am glad you are okay with us been friends.
I smiled.
You can tell me if you are not okay with it.
I looked away , fighting the nausea that rose in my throat.
You are awfully quiet.
What there to say? You still love him?
It up to him to decide if he wants his ex back or me.
You should know amara, I never stop caring about him. But he is my friend now.
I don't know what you heard, but I and my husband are working things out.
He practically throw her this brunch and I never get a reception or a party for our wedding.
Excuse me, I pushed the chair and went to the bar, asked for a martini .
I send a text, am stepping out for a minute.
He texted back, you can't leave.
He looked at me and I turned away.
You are upset over nothing amara .
Really, I texted back.
Chuckling down the martini.
I turned my head and there was a man standing be side me.
I like chicken, he said
He grinned and suddenly looked much younger, his hair was white with a little black.
Ah , there is a smile. He murmured and it a beautiful one.
Thank you, I introduced myself.
Richard Richmond, he said but I call me Rich. He introduced himself as Nathan uncle.
It lovely to meet you Richard.
He smiled again, just rich amara. We are family.
Over the course of few minutes we,d spoken.  Rich seems nice. Been handsome seems to run in this family. He looked much younger than his age.
You look as bored as I feel, he said.
Seen your husband with an ex , who is close to the family isn't fun. How about we leave here and go get some coffee.
Sure, why not.
Looking over my shoulder, I saw him watching me. Then I saw him walked towards me
What are you doing? He murmured.
She's going alleviate the boredom of being ignored Nathan. Said rich. By spending time with your dear uncle who's more than happy to pay attention to such beautiful woman.
I was immediately uncomfortable, aware of the crackling animosity between the two men.
I tried to walk away, but Nathan wouldn't allow me.
Walk away, Richard, Nathan warned.
You 've been preoccupied with Chelsea, you didn't notice when I got here .
He was right. Horribly embarrassed, I looked at Nathan.
Excuse me . both of you.

I was in the bedroom, I ripped off my heels, I threw it opposite direction. Nathan caught it .
Get the fuck out of this room, I snapped,
right now .
Amara ", Goddamn it , he snapped. You piss me off worse than anyone else I know. I'd never seen him look so livid. He was literally vibrating with suppressed violence.
Frightened by his glare, I took a step back.
I just wanted to be alone.
We have to deal with this now, stay away from Richard Richmond.
Don't tell me what to do? I didn't tell you stay away from Chelsea. Please I can't deal with this right now. Just get out.
You 'll just have to deal with me.
With my hands on my waist, oh ? I'm supposed to make you the priority?
I was under the impression we were both each other's priorities. He hit back at me.
Yeah , I thought that, too until yesterday and today.
Jesus, will you drop it with Chelsea already? He shoved his hands in his hair. I'm here with you , aren't l? I barely said good bye to her because I was chasing after you.
Fuck you. Don't do me any favors."
He came closer and yanked me towards him and kissed me hard, his hands gripping my upper arms to hold me in place.
I didn't give in, even when he tried coaxing me with suggestive licks.
Why are you driving me insane, he muttered, his lips sliding down to my throat.
I don't know what your problem is with Richard and honestly don't give a shit. But he was right. Chelsea got way too much of your attention yesterday and today. You pretty much ignored me.
It 's impossible for me to ignored you, if you 're in the same room with me, I don't see any one else.
Funny, every time I looked at you, you were looking at her.
This is stupid, he released me. You know how I feel about you.
Do I? My body this is all you need. But do you love Chelsea.
Oh , for fuck sake no.

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