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I opened my eyes, confused as to why I was surrounded with doctors and nurses, looked up , Nathan barely managed to get his feet before headed straight to me and embraced me tightly.
God." He shook slightly and buried his face in my neck. Amara , thank you for coming back to me .
I hugged him back,  something on my face must have have betrayed my lingering wariness, because he pressed his lips on my forehead and murmured, they're fine, doctor can you tell her.
They," I muttered. What is they?
He brushed the hair back from my face.
Mrs black, you could see for yourself,
Nathan holding my hand tight.  An ultrasound was done. I could hear my babies heartbeat. Which brought tears to my eyes. They made it too, I have always wanted a family .
It's.... Amazing," I said softly. Feeling privileged to see it.
Wow, he breathed . This is beautiful.
Congratulations , this one here is a boy, pointing to the screen. Oh wow and a girl also.
We're having twins, oh my goodness. My gaze met Nathan, his face give away nothing . Which worries me.
Everything seems to be fine, we just needs to monitor you for few days.
Thank you so much doctor. He held his hands out to the doctor.
Nathan hair grew long and his beard also. Even with that he still looked breathed taking. That the nurse still was captivated by him. He closed the door.
Hmmm, seems the nurse likes you.
He grinned, my angel is back for real, for you to know that. He linked our fingers together , tugged his lips down to mine and kissed me  like he has been starve of my kisses .
I cought,
Oh sorry, is everything okay ?
Am fine, just felt some pain.and am starving.
What do you need? I will get you whatever ;
Oh my God," amara Chris called out when came in. Nearly dropping the takeout in his hands. He rushed and hugged me tightly.
Careful , Chris . Am still sore.
Oh sorry .
Chris looked thrilled to see me up.
What did you bring Chris? It smelled delicious. 
It burger , steak and some fries for mister here. That what he has been eaten for the past three Chris set the burger down.
Can I have the steak and fries please, am starving?
Can you have that?
I shrugged it off and shovel the fries down.
His gaze narrowed as he studied me as I eat. I shook my head and looked up at him.
Nothing, am just happy to see you eating.
Me too . I told you she will wake up also you need to let nana knows.
Sure, excuse me.
Really, amara you 're so brave. So strong. When Nathan saw the blood at the kitchen ,he cried and blame himself cause he didn't want to leave you you know since the day he came back he didn't leave your side. I never saw him pray before but he did
He did !
For the first time I saw my brother completely break down , he didn't shut me out . He was emotional.
I couldn't believe what Chris was telling me. I didn't know what to say;
Just letting you know , how much you mean to him.
I know he loves me in his own unique way. He hasn't said anything about the pregnancy. He is quiet about it.
Chris  tried to hide his wariness on his face. Don't think too much about that.
You just wake up, focus on getting healthy for you and the baby.
I don't know what to think or say, it not up to six months me and Nathan have been together. Now we're having nor one but two.
Chris jumped up like a kid who just got a candy .
I will have two nephew or niece, can't wait to meet them and spoiled them like my other friends talked about their nephew or niece. I will be able too.
Let just hope , I wish Nathan was as excited as Chris was.
Don't overthink it
Hey , angel." Chris let my wife rest, don't bored her .
Ah, it fine.
Please Chris can you take my husband home and let him freshen up.
Nah, am fine; don't you like my Beard.
I do, you look gorgeous as usual , you need some rest, I promise I will be fine.
She's right dude, you stinks. Chris said grinning.
No, he doesn't , I smiled.
Nathan protested, but all his efforts was met with my own. Nathan never left my side.

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