Chapter 8

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"Love is so short, forgetting is so long."

Tong Yao: "Cheng Ge."

Lu Sicheng: "What. Why are you up? Go back to sleep."

Tong Yao: "I am not sleepy. Why are you back so early in the morning?"

Lu Sicheng: "What is your relationship with Jian Yang, shorty?"

Tong Yao: "What? I am not shorty."

Lu Sicheng: "Did you not see the comments on the e-sports farm?"

Tong Yao: "I did."

Lu Sicheng: "Come. Let's sit over there and talk."

After they got comfy on the sofa, Lu Sicheng asked the same question again.

Tong Yao: "He is my ex-boyfriend."

Lu Sicheng: "Why did you not inform me about this."

Tong Yao: "Why should I?"

Lu Sicheng: "Gee... I am your boyfriend after all."

Tong Yao: "I'm telling you now."

Tong Yao glanced at the man who was frowning with jealousy. She decided to provoke him more and said: "He was the best boyfriend. He was so caring and he never forgot any of my special days. I do not remember even one sad day that I spent with him."

Lu Sicheng: "Stop talking about other guys in front of your boyfriend, okay?"

Tong Yao: "Cheng Ge, you look like you ate a jar of vinegar for breakfast."

Lu Sicheng: "Speaking of breakfast, I haven't had any, so if you wanna be my breakfast then you can talk about lovey dovey things of other guys."

Tong Yao: "No thank you."

Lu Sicheng smirked before turning his head around and scrolling down on his phone. Tong Yao also took out her phone and read all the comments about her and Lu Sicheng. "They're saying that we held hands. I did not even touch your hands at the mall that day."

"Sad that you didn't?"

"I'm fine thank you."

Tong Yao picked up the glass of water and drank a mouthful of it. She spat it out suddenly and started coughing. Lu Sicheng patted her back and said: "Crazy. What made you spit the water out? Something shocking right?"


"Show it to me."

Before Lu Sicheng could grab her phone, Tong Yao slid it under her bottom and said: "Dream on that I'll give you, my phone."


"Bleeh!!" said Tong Yao while sticking her tongue out. Then Tong Yao took her phone back and looking at the text that made her spit her water out. It was obviously from Jian Yang as the text was asking if they could get back together.

Tong Yao replied that she had no time for relationships and it was not his fault. Their relationship was over a long time ago and she didn't want to talk about it. But he was persistent and so, she put him on her blacklist.

Lu Sicheng: "We have a training match against FNC today. I need you to perform your best later. Understand?"

Tong Yao: "Count on me captain."

Lu Sicheng: "Good."

Lu Sicheng ruffled her hair and then left. Tong Yao was happy that she could play a training match with the whole team. She picked Da Bing who was sitting next to her and lied down on the sofa, keeping the cat high up in the air.

Lu Sicheng who was watching this, smiled at his cute girlfriend and just wished that he could get that kiss she was giving to Da Bing. Well, he'll have to wait for their first kiss according to Tong Yao. I feel so sad for him really. Anyways, back to the story.

Later, the whole team was lectured by God Ming who was babbling out everything he knew about FNC. Then at last God Ming asked Tong Yao if she could play any other champion except Tamamo-No-Mae.

"Except Tamamo-No-Mae ..."

"Except Tamamo-No-Mae, what other champions can you use?" said Lu Sicheng thinking she was too dumb to understand that question.

"If our opposite team bans it, our mid position will be ruined." Exclaimed Old Cat.

"Who said so? I can play other champions also like Reiki, Susabi or Enenra. Anyone." Said Tong Yao after she heard what Old Cat had said.

God Ming: "Good."

Little Fatty: "Our new mid is amazing."

Lu Sicheng: "Do not praise her. Her head is already big enough."

Tong Yao pouted angrily at him and took her phone out. She texted Lu Sicheng saying, "You will regret this. I am going to ignore you completely. You've lost your baby."

Lu Sicheng: "I haven't."

Tong Yao made an annoying look at him and stormed away, stamping her legs.

When the game started, FNC tried their best to win but ZGDX with Tong Yao's support, FNC's nexus exploded in no time. Tong Yao was happily turning around on her chair, Lu Sicheng was scrolling down in his phone while their teammates had gone for milk tea at the dining area. Tong Yao opened FNC's jungler's livestream and saw that he was praising her.

Tong Yao was happily enjoying the praises but just then, she felt a cold hand on her hand which was holding her mouse. Tong Yao turned and said: "What?"

"Stop watching or it will get into your head."

"No one has praised me since elementary school. Let me watch more of it."

"If praises are what you want, then I can give you some."

"Okay. Go on." said Tong Yao looking at him while batting her eyelashes.

Lu Sicheng didn't say a word but just closed her livestream and sat back on his seat.

"What was that supposed to mean?"

"Tch... Captain, I have done so well today. Is there a reward?"

"Oh. You want a reward? Okay."

Lu Sicheng pulled his seat closer to hers while Tong Yao's heartbeat was quickening.

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