Chapter 32

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Tong Yao and Lu Sicheng reached the base, together. They entwined their hands before looking up and smiling at each other. They opened the main door to receive a bunch of shocked faces in return.

Little Fatty: "Why're you guys back so early??"

Lu Yue: "Yeah. What about your blind dates??"

Old Cat: "Did you guys dump them and went for a date instead??"

Old K: "Something's fishy."

Tong Yao: "Well, here's the thing,"

Lu Sicheng: "Meet my soon-to-be-fiancé, Tong Yao."

Lu Yue: "WTF??"

Little Fatty: "You're kidding me."

Old Cat: "Huh?? OMG!!"

Old K: "You think I'd believe that?"

Tong Yao: "Unfortunately, it's true."

Lu Yue: "I can feel the sadness idiot."

Tong Yao: "Never knew you would retard."

Old K: "You should be happy??"

Little Fatty: "Yeah, xiao jiejie, why the sad look??"

Tong Yao: "Huh?? I decided to put on a show cause I'm missing my American tv dramas."

Lu Sicheng: "Oh god."

Tong Yao: "What's wrong??"

Lu Sicheng: "Our neighbor, wants to have a training match."

Tong Yao: "I bet ya we'll win."

All the teammates smiled at each other before finishing their opposite teammates. Done. Game over in 20 minutes.

Everyone lazed around for the rest of the day and practiced their shikigamis. At nightfall, they went to bed.


The next day:

Tong Yao woke up to the sound of wind gushing through her bedroom window, making her feel cold. She shuddered before droopily getting out of bed and closing the window before snuggling back into the covers.

At 12:00 ZGDX's base became busy as usual... But it was quieter than ever between Tong Yao and Lu Sicheng. This was the day. The day Tong Yao had been dreading about. The day Tong Yao and Lu Sicheng were supposed to announce their relationship. They had decided to do it indirectly, starting off with appearing on livestreams and going to public places filled with their fans, together.

Lu Sicheng's livestream:

[Lu Sicheng: "Shorty, look at this."]

[Tong Yao: "Yes Cheng Ge??"]

Lu Sicheng pulled her onto his lap as he showed her some 'post'. She frowned and said:

[Tong Yao: "Why are we in hot topics??"]

[Lu Sicheng: "Our fans like our pair."]

[Tong Yao: "That's great!!"]

[Lu Sicheng: "I know."]

Tong Yao who was still on Lu Sicheng's lap, struggled to get off. He didn't move. Not even a centimeter, not even a millimeter, not even a micrometer, not even a nanometer, (I should stop, I guess. I mean I can go on with the measurements but it will fill the page so I better not. Back to the story.)

Tong Yao pinched Lu Sicheng's arm, making him loosen his grip on her waist. Tong Yao jumped off him and said: "I'd better go get some yogurt. What flavour do you want??"

Lu Sicheng: "Anything would do. Wait."

Tong Yao jerked to stop and looked at him. He dragged his chair back and whispered to her: "I think I'd like you better."

Tong Yao blushed before swatting his arm, turning on her heels and walking towards the kitchen. She got out two strawberry flavored yogurts and gave one to Lu Sicheng before sitting on her own gaming chair. She opened her livestream and started with a ranked match. She had to hit the KPI today. Or else god knows how much her salary would get decreased. After the match, she turned on the comments which were saying:

[Why were you on Chessman's livestream??]

[That's not the question, why were you on his lap??]


[It was cute.]

[Does this mean...OMG!!]

The comments went on and on. Tong Yao read them, cringing at some and making faces at the others. She switched her computer off and went upstairs to her room. She kicked her fluffy polar bear slippers off before falling on the bed and rubbing her hair.

"God dammit!!"

Tong Yao cursed, thinking how difficult it would be for their team to come through the offense they would be shown by their fans, all because of Lu Sicheng and Tong Yao's relationship. Why were they supposed to always get into trouble?? No, why was she always being the trouble. No, this could not happen. Lu Sicheng and Tong Yao's relationship wouldn't make a downfall to the team. Instead, it will be a strength. A strength that will be there to guide their teammates in their ups and down, a strength that would spread love among everyone.

But little did Tong Yao think about this. She didn't even come to the good side. All she thought was: 'We will be the downfall. I am always a burden. I am a trouble maker and trouble will follow me everywhere. I do not deserve Lu Sicheng nor do I deserve such kind and friendly people around me. I do not want anything bad to happen to the team.' As Tong Yao thought and thought, a dizziness struck her. She rubbed her eyes, before falling asleep in the same place she was in.

NOTE: Hey guys. It's been a day since have not updated. Sorry for that. But my lovelies, I have decided that I will disclose some secrets to you. 

1. I will try to continue this story even after the world tournament part.

2. There's this guy in class who has a thing for me. I do not like him nor do I hate him. But I don't want to break his heart. What should I do??

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