Chapter 27

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"Love is that condition in which the happiness of another person is essential to your own."

It had been so many days since Lu Sicheng's and Tong Yao's relationship had leaked out to their teammates. But they did their best to cover it up in front of their fans just to make Tong Yao feel better. Lu Sicheng had even told that he would deduct their pays if they made Tong Yao feel bad. Even I would like to have such a caring boyfriend. Anyways back to the story.

Tong Yao was having a hard time to cope up with her mother and all this stuff. She still had everyone's support and she appreciated it. Then it was the day, that Lu Sicheng was forced to go on a blind date. Tong Yao's blood was boiling the second she heard: 'Blind date.' And when Lu Sicheng went to the blind date, she got even more angry. Tong Yao was already 50% angry. Everyone knew that if they would make her anger reach 100%, they would have to hide in their rooms, keeping their doors locked. Ha ha ha.

Tong Yao's anger reached 75% when Lu Sicheng decided to come home later then she had expected. He told her that he had some other work to do. Then her anger reached 100% when Lu Sicheng and her teammates started teasing her about the blind date. When she had finally lost it, she got up from her gaming chair and yelled at them: "Shut up!! You, you, you, you and you!! Lu Sicheng!! I hate you!! Will you ever stop making fun of me?? I am not talking to any of you. I'd rather get lost instead of listening to your shit."

All the dumbfounded teammates looked at Lu Sicheng's dearest girlfriend stomp her feet and storm upstairs, fuming. They gave Lu Sicheng awkward smiles before turning around and wearing their headphones, acting like: 'We have nothing to do about it.' After Lu Sicheng understood of what they were saying, he said: "A group of useless idiots."

That was the start of day 1 of Tong Yao's torture. She would not talk to anyone of them except Xiao Rui and God Ming, unless they had matches. She had also been ignoring Lu Sicheng for the past days. He was fed up of having her ignoring him. That was the time he thought that he could do something. He had taken all their teammates out for shopping but when Tong Yao and Lu Sicheng were alone, they saw Xu Tailun and one of his fangirls making out. Tong Yao whispered to Lu Sicheng: "Doesn't he already have a girlfriend??"

Lu Sicheng: "Let him be. Come on let's go eat with the others."

Tong Yao: "Umm... Okay??"

A few days later---

Tong Yao lazily hopped out from Jin Yang's car before reluctantly saying goodbye several times. Tong Yao walked up to the main door and opened it with her key. She closed the door slightly, making sure she wouldn't wake up anyone. To her surprise, Lu Sicheng was sitting alone in the gaming room and playing ranked matches. He probably lost some points because of Little Fatty. She tiptoed to her room and opened it to find a cute little kitten playing with Da Bing!! She played with the kitten before realizing who gave it to her.

Tong Yao got up, changed into her doughnut pajamas and went down, holding both the cats in her hands. She walked into the gaming area but seeing that there was no one there, she looked in the living room. Her heart started racing for some reason when she saw her captain slouching on the sofa, with his hair still damp wet and wearing a shirt that traced his abs and muscles. Before she could drool, she shook her thoughts off and crept up to her boyfriend from behind.

Lu Sicheng almost pushed Tong Yao away if he hadn't known it was her.


"Thank you."

"For what?"

"The kitten."

"Are you sure that I gave it to you?"

"Yep, then who else? Some admirer of mine? Like Jian Yan—Aah!!"

When Lu Sicheng had heard the word Jian Yang trying to slip from her mouth, he pulled her onto the sofa. She quickly got up, and made Lu Sicheng stand too. She hugged him tightly.

"I'm sorry."

"For what?"

"For ignoring you."

"That won't be enough."

"What else? This?"

Tong Yao lifted herself up to Lu Sicheng's lips and pecked them. Lu Sicheng was not willing to let go and so, he deepened their kiss. The make out was hot and passionate. Tong Yao pulled away after feeling that her panties were getting wet. She had this urge to be touched by him and for her to feel him on top of her. Lu Sicheng was also feeling the same and so, he continued his way to her neck until she started panting and breathing heavily. He didn't stop until he heard a soft moan from her.

"I can make you do more sounds than that."

Tong Yao suddenly caught his arm cause the pleasure she was having was unbearable, eventually she wanted more. She felt him push her on the sofa and suck her neck. She moaned loudly, making Lu Sicheng grin widely. Suddenly, Little Fatty burst through the door of his room. Oh no!!

NOTE: Hey guys!! Sorry for not updating yesterday. I had some life problems at my university but it's settled. Love y'all!!

--The Writer.

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