Chapter 8: Tables Turned

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Sean's Pov

Me,Sam,and Tim have been looking for Wilfred for a while now. Dark's warriors are everywhere so we have to be careful in our movements. We decided to only move at night because it's safer. In the day we hid anywhere we could every sound of foot steps scared Sam and Tim so I was always there to calm them. One night it was cloudy and so dark it was hard to see. We used that to our advantage. We found ourselves in a small desert it was chilly. I looked behind me to see Tim shivering me and Sam were wearing hoodies so we weren't really fazed by the cold. "Tim" I said "want to wear my hoodie" he looked up and nodded. I took off my hoodie and put it on him. Goosebumps began to form on my arms. 'No wonder Tim was shivering it's freezing' I thought. It was odd I felt like we were at one of the poles. "Must be Darkiplier's work to make it this cold in a desert" said Sam. I nodded it was weird to be in a freezing sandy desert. I looked around and in the distance what looked like a warehouse. 'Could it be' I signaled Sam and Tim to follow me as we made our way to the warehouse. About ten minutes later we were at the door. Tim looked at me "Jack what's the plan" he ask me. I grabbed the ice cold metal door knob "I'm going in back me up once I step inside " before Tim could protest I walked in to my surprise there was no guard insight. Tim and Sam walked in. Sam tensed up and Tim growled. Sudden I felt pain in my face as someone punched me. I feel on the cold floor and heard Tim and Sam struggling with something or someone. I looked up to see dark standing over me smirking "well,well,well look who we have here" he cackled. I looked to my left to see Sam and Tim pinned to the wall the two struggling to get free. I looked back at dark and hissed "you leave us alone" He just looked at my eyes and smirked "sorry sean you're in my world don't know what you're getting into"
I shuddered when he said my real name. Suddenly we heard a scream of pain. Me and dark turned our head to see Sam biting the warrior holding him breaking skin and drawing blood. The warrior let go of Sam and he ran for the door. Dark was about to ran towards him but I grabbed him left arm and twisted it he screamed in pain and all his attention went to me. "You little fool" he growled. He grabbed my red tee shirt and threw me. I slid on ruff rocky floor giving me scratches all over my arms. The pain mixed with dirt in my eyes caused me to cry. "Aw look at that the so called 'boss' is crying" I growled at him. "HOW FUCKING DARE YOU" I yelled at him and got up to charge him. He grabbed me by the neck with his left hand and took out a knife with the right. He pinned up against the wall and put the knife against my neck. "Sorry jackiboy you're to much of a threat to keep alive" he said darkly. "Don't you fucking d-" I was cut off by a stabbing pain on my left side of my neck. Everything was going black and the last two things I saw before blacking out was Sam escaping and Tim's body going limp in the warrior's grasp. The warrior chuckled evily and dropped Tim's lifeless body then the blackness engulfed me.


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