Chapter 9: Going for help

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Sam's Pov

I ran out of the warehouse as fast as I could while crying. I practically just saw my father get stabbed and my best get strangled. I know Jack wanted me to run away from the way he sacrificed himself for me but I still feel guilty. I know I'm strong but not strong enough I needed help and now.

Mark's Pov

It's been two weeks since the love of my life sean vanished with dark. Yamimash,Bob and Wade were helping me out. They stayed with me in my apartment to give me comfort and company. We were all in the living room talking about were sean could be when we heard a knock at the door. Aaron (yamimash) went to go answer the door. Me bob and wade were watching him open the door when suddenly and young boy pushed him aside and ran in. He had pale skin green eyes and hair that was tied into a long ponytail resting on his right shoulder. His nails painted black his clothes were slighted ripped. Yet I could tell it was a green hoodie with a septiceye on it black shorts with green sides and green and white sneakers. He had scratches on his arms and a little bit of blood coming from his mouth. He also had dirt patches all over him. Fear in his eyes. "Excuse me but.... Um who are you" said bob gently knowing this young boy might freak out if we said anything to sudden. He just looked at me in the eyes and said "Markiplier!?! Finally I've been looking everywhere for you..." he grabbed my hand "hurry I need your help it's about jacksepticeye and tiny box tim" I quickly took my hand away from his "what about them" I said suspiciously. Bob wade and yami eyed him and eyes looked and all of them. "Oh excuse me you asked me who I am where are my manners" he said while laughing nervously.
"I'm septiceye Sam you know Jacksepticeye's icon" We all looked at him dumbfounded "how can you septiceye sam doesn't exist" Wade said bob and yami nodded in agreement I just sad there looking at him. "Oh really if that's true than why am I here and why did darkiplier come visit markiplier" I cringed at the thought of the night dark came and took Sean away. "That's right "said a voice darkly. We all looked in the direction of the voice. Darkiplier stood there a smug look on his face. Bob wade and yami's eyes went wide and Sam hid behind yami. "Dark" I said while getting up. "I see Sam has found you and told you about me" he chuckled. Wade stepped forward "you stay back" he said firmly. Dark just laughed. Bob glared at him "Get out or else" Dark just glared back at him then smirked "or else what" Bob went silent. "That's what I thought" Dark then looked me in the eyes "he mark if you want to save Sean come for him" with that he vanished. I looked at Sam who held onto yami tightly. "Sam what happen to Sean and Tim" He looked up and took my hand "come" he said with that a green fog was surrounding me,bob,wade,yami,and sam. After we were engulfed by the fog he looked around to find ourselves in a forest. "Where are we"said Wade. "I'll explain everything " said Sam.

(Looks like there's a chance for Jack after all however let's see if they can get the job done...)

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