Chapter 10: Plan Ahead and hang on

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Mark's Pov

After hearing Sam's explanation I nearly threw a fit. My anger mixed with worry and sadness nearly took over. I sighed we were hiding in a hidden clearing covered by thick bushes, jagged rocks, and huge thick trees. I put my fingers through my hair. "I hope Jack and Tim are ok" I said softly. Bob and yami were making up a plan to save Jack and tim then look for Wilfred while Wade kept watch. I sat next to Sam who was lost in thought. " mark" he said his voice startled me. "Yes" "do you think Jack and Tim are still alive" His question worried me it seems like me and him were thinking about the same thing. "I hope so" I replied. He simply nodded and curled into a ball his legs up against his chest and his head resting on his knees.

Tim's Pov

I woke weakly my head ache and I was cold. I looked around I was in a cell? Was it a dream that jacksepticeye saved me. No because I was greeted by a Jack lying in a pool of blood from a deep gash on the left side of his neck. I ran to him and inspected him. His breathing was short and shallow and his heart beat was irregular. I paniced I may not be a doctor but I knew those were signs of someone dying. I tore a blanket sheet on the bed to form a bandage and wrapped it around the wound. Then gently applied pressure to stop the bleeding. The blood stopped it turns out the wound wasn't as bad as I thought. I took another piece of the sheet and placed it on the wound. I grabbed the small bowl of water dark gave us. It's a little dirty but right now it doesn't matter. I had him drink some before checking him breathing pattern and heart beat again. His breathing was slowly going back to normal and his heart beat was even. I sighed happily and smiled when he stirred.

Jack's Pov

I woke up to a stinging pain on the left side of my neck. When I opened my eyes I saw Tim smiling at me. "T-tim what" Tim put a finger over my mouth. "That wound needs to rest and so do you...I healed you just enough to live but please rest to get your strength back." he told me. I nodded weakly and layed back down. It's strange how exhaustion can come over you so quickly.

Tim's Pov

I sat and watched Jack fall asleep. I smiled now I know why Mark loves him so much. I got up and got into the other metal bed across the cell I hope Sam can get help..I would really like to be free...

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