Chapter 15: Snapped

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Sean's Pov

That douche 'Jack' has been getting a little to close to Mark and I wasn't taking it. It's been getting hard to trust my friends. I don't let anyone near anymore. I see wade as the biggest threat I know he likes Mark a little or a lot so I growl at him to keep him away. I can't even trust tim anymore he's to loving around Mark so I don't let me near either. Wilfred got to close to Mark not long ago and it took everything within me not to punch him. I hold Mark close to me now I can't let anyone take him.

Mark's Pov

I know something's wrong with Sean he hasn't been himself and he's being really possessive. He growls at wade he almost punched Wilfred and he threatens Tim and Sam. What has gotten into him? I hope he knows I still love him.

Sam's Pov

Jack's been acting weird lately. He so possessive over Mark to the point where I can't get two feet away from him without hearing him threaten me. My friend Tim can't get near Mark anymore I wonder why. I'm going to talk to Mark about it. I went to Mark when Sean wasn't looking and asked him about it. He said he doesn't know what has gotten into him. Then he hugged me telling me its going to be fine and not to worry about him. I hugged back which turned out to be a big mistake. Sean saw us and his face turned red with anger. I gotten scared and let go of Mark and try to run away to the safety of the others but it was to late I felt him grab the back of my hoodie. He then pinned me and to my horror he began strangling me.

Sean's Pov

I let go of Mark and told him that I was going to clear my head. I needed to get over this possession but how. I back to talk to Mark about it....then I saw it Sam and him were hugging. I don't know what snapped but something did and my anger took over. I ran towards him as he tried to run I grabbed the back of his hoodie pinned him and began to strangle him. I saw horror in his eyes but I didn't care all I know is that for some reason this felt....right.

Mark's Pov

Sam was talking to me about Sean obviously worried about him. I decided to comfort him by giving him a hug. Then I saw Sean looking at us with anger. Sam let go of me and tried to run but Sean was to quick. I watched in horror as I saw Sean grab Sam's hoodie pin him and strangle him. I was paralyzed for a moment but then I took action I grabbed Sean and pulled him off of Sam who was gasping for air and crying. I took Sean a safe distance away from Sam and let him go I needed to talk to him about this...I can't let this happen.

(It's strange what a possessive side can do to you....)

Does he love me?Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum