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The screams of Moon Dong-eun echoed throughout the gymnasium of Sunghan High School.

The doors were locked. The curtains were drawn too.

It was her against five bullies.

No one was coming to help her.

It was as if in that moment, the entire world was against her.

"Why are you doing this?" Dong-eun managed to splutter out through her cries of agony and pain. "Why are you doing this to me?"

"I'm so sick of that. Why do you people always ask that?" Yeon-jin, the main bully of the group, grumbled. She stood up and made her way towards Dong-eun, positioning herself so her little victim could see her. "I do it because nothing will ever happen to me, and nothing will change no matter what. Take now, for example. You raised such a fuss with the police, but look where you are right now. Did anything change?"

Dong-eun sniffled, tears falling down her face from the stinging pain coming from the new burns on her arms.

"What I'm trying to say is that no one's going to save you," Yeon-jin concluded with her familiar, evil-looking smile. The one that she made when she was having fun. "Not the cops, not the school, not even your parents. Know what they call a person like that? They're called a loser."

"You live at an inn, right?" Sa-ra, the daughter of a popular church owner, leaned towards Dong-eun. "I learned about motel living, thanks to you. Her rent is due every full moon, apparently. That sounds like a total fairy tale!"

"Wow, Dong-eun must be my fairy godmother," Yeon-jin hummed. "She even checks the heat so I can do my hair, right?"

Dong-eun began to try to escape the fear of the pain coming back making her body go into overdrive, but it was all for nothing. The curler came down on her arm again, causing Dong-eun's screaming and crying to return, this time louder than before.

"Myeong-o, make her shut up," Yeon-jin sighed, annoyed by the girl's screams.

Myeong-o smirked, moving towards Dong-eun, where he pressed their lips against one another. Dong-eun's screams ceased, due to her mouth being restricted from opening. She felt sick, horrified... why did they delight in her being tortured?

Why did they see her as below them?

Dong-eun wanted it all to stop. 

She didn't care how... she just wanted to torture to end.

She had no idea when the conversations between her tormenters started, but her body and mind seemed to want her to listen in on the group of five as another student was mentioned by them.

This wasn't one that the group seemed to be planning to give the same treatment as Dong-eun, however. Quite the opposite, actually.

"Didn't you hear? Jae-jun found himself a girlfriend," Myeong-o laughed.

"For fuck sake, Myeong-o, she's not my girlfriend!" Jae-jun replied, throwing the basketball towards the nearby hoop again. He missed, which he quickly blamed on his frustration with the topic of conversation.

"Do you think she'll join our group if I ask her?" Sa-ra asked.

"Yah, I ask who joins the group!" Yeon-jin snapped. She then turned to face Jae-jun. "What's her name? Do we know her?"

"Yi-jae," Jae-jun answered.

"Yi-jae? As in Ka Yi-jae?" Sa-ra replied. "From the other homeroom?"

Jae-jun smiled proudly as his answer.

Yeon-jin smiled too. Yi-jae had not a single "o" in her name. Perfect... she could pass her off as a friend to her mother, and then the old bitch would be off her tail about her friends and that shaman's stupid prophecy.

"How did you meet her?" Hye-jeong chuckled, fiddling with her hair. "I thought she always kept to herself, her nose in a new book every morning."

Myeong-o and Sa-ra chuckled, despite having never picked up a book unless forced to.

"Turns out she plays video games in her spare time," Jae-jun hummed. "Saw her sitting in the park, playing with a GP32."

"Jinjja?" Hye-jeong was amazed. "Ka Yi-jae plays video games?"

"Curses at them too when she loses," Jae-jun chuckled.

Laughter erupted throughout the group, and then Dong-eun's screaming continued with it, making their laughter grow louder.

Dong-eun had no idea who this Ka Yi-jae was, but she hoped to God... or anyone who was even bothering to help her anymore that she would never meet Ka Yi-jae.

❉ ╤╤╤╤ ✿ ╧╧╧╧ ❉ ╤╤╤╤ ✿ ╧╧╧╧ ❉


"Are you sure no one is gonna catch us here?" Yi-jae asked Jae-jun for probably the tenth time in the last five minutes.

"Yes, for the one-millionth time," Jae-jun nodded. He shut the curtains to the gymnasium and made sure the door was locked before turning back to the girl, who was fidgeting slightly. "Hey, don't worry. The gym teacher will make sure no one comes this way for the next hour or so."

"And how do you know that?" Yi-jae asked.

"Because I'm good friends with him," Jae-jun answered.

"I didn't know you were friends with the gym teacher," Yi-jae's eyes widened slightly in amazement.

"Why do you think I've been skipping PE so much?" Jae-jun chuckled. "Maybe next time, I should bring you with me. We'd have an entire hour to ourselves."

"What would we do?" Yi-jae smiled, watching as Jae-jun's face moved closer to her lips.

"Whatever we want," Jae-jun replied before pressing his lips against the girl. 

Slowly but surely, he began to push Yi-jae towards the closest wall, pressing her against it. Yi-jae saw what was coming and jumped up, where Jae-jun caught her around the waist while she wrapped her legs around his own waist.

"That was hot," Jae-jun smirked through the kiss.

"Shut up," Yi-jae replied, feeling her cheeks go red from the compliment.

"Do you really wanna do this?" Jae-jun asked. "We could do it when everyone else is at PE or off in class, so we know no one will come by."

"I thought you said the gym teacher was going to make sure no one comes by," Yi-jae pointed out.

Jae-jun smirked again, before pressing himself against Yi-jae's neck. Yi-jae ended up moaning long before she thought she would.

She had to admit... he was good.

And was going to get even better during the next hour they would be in that gymnasium.

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