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"The weather is changing rapidly as we're approaching the first weekend of March," the reporter announced. "What can you tell us, Ms Park?"

"I am now standing in front of the Gilsangsa Temple in Seoul. As you can see, the spring flowers have bloomed beautifully around the temple," Yeon-jin announced to the camera in front of her, holding an umbrella in one hand and her microphone in the other. "Particularly interesting is the winter jasmine, which means "welcoming spring." During the Joseon Dynasty, these flowers were given to the best in exams, which is why they're known as the King's flowers. However, with the spring rain that started yesterday, temperatures are dropping all over the country. The rain is expected to continue over the weekend, and will lead to a few very cold days. The temperatures are seven degrees lower than average. In the mountainous regions, the rain has already turned to snow, which might be continuing today and tomorrow. If you're planning on taking a weekend hike..."

"Eomma!" Kyung-sam called out from his room. "I can't find my wellies!"

"Coming, sweetie!" Yi-jae called back, searching for the remote so she could turn off the TV.

"...in temperature between morning and night, so please dress with care. This is Park Yeon-jin-"

Yi-jae turned the TV off just as Yeon-jin finished her report.

❉ ╤╤╤╤ ✿ ╧╧╧╧ ❉ ╤╤╤╤ ✿ ╧╧╧╧ ❉

"God, it's raining like crazy out there," Myeong-o grumbled as he entered Siesta. He approached Gyeong-ran after his unsuccessful attempts to wipe the rain off his jacket. "Jae-jun called, right?"

"Uh, yeah, he needs more sweaters from you," Gyeong-ran went to go get the items mentioned. "Hold on."

Myeong-o's eyes caught a black hat on display. He picked it up, checking himself out in the mirror. That was when another person in the shop was spotted in the mirror.

A woman sat near the shoes, trying on some lovely, green high heels with a lovely pattern on the front of the shoes, made from sparkly fake gems.

Myeong-o turned to where the woman sat, his eyes lit up slightly with unsure recognition. "Huh? Moon Dong-eun?" The woman looked up at the mention of her name, making Myeong-o chuckle in surprise. " It is you. Whoa, what a coincidence. It's Son Myeong-o. Do you remember me?"

"Of course I do," Dong-eun replied. "It's been such a long time."

"Right," Myeong-o nodded, taking in how much Dong-eun had changed since he'd last seen her. "Wow... How've you been? What are you up to nowadays?"

"I'm an elementary school teacher," Dong-eun answered.

"Really?" Myeong-o replied, admittedly surprised by Dong-eun's choice of a career.

"I've been thinking about you a lot," Dong-eun revealed.

Myeong-o seemed to smirk at this reveal, "You have? Are you buying those?"

Dong-eun looked down at the shoes she was still wearing, "No, I was just trying them on."

Dong-eun sat down to take off the shoes, but Myeong-o stopped her. "No, no, no. Keep them on. They look nice. Here." Myeong-o placed the shoe that Dong-eun had taken off back onto her foot. The woman said nothing, only watching. "Go look in the mirror."

Dong-eun stood up, moving to the closest mirror. She looked at her reflection, as did Myeong-o, who stood next to her.

"Do you want a drink?" Myeong-o offered. "Whatever you want. You can keep those on. The store's basically mine."

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