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Yi-jae had been out for the day.

Kyung-sam was having a sleepover at a friend's house and Mun-hee was out for the day with her friends, so Yi-jae decided to go for a small stroll in the park, a purple lollipop in her mouth. She'd never lost her taste for the treat. If anything, she loved them even more as she didn't get to have them as much.

Yi-jae eventually reached a new section of the park. An area to play Go. Yi-jae had always found the game confusing, hence never paying much mind to it.

However, she knew someone who greatly enjoyed the game. Chances are he'd be here whenever he could... hopefully today, even.

"I'm quite surprised you smoke."

Yi-jae turned to the voice, noticing it was Ha Do-yeong. Ye-sol's father. Yeon-jin's husband. The man that Yi-jae had just been thinking about.

"Hmm?" Yi-jae hummed, visibly confused. She didn't smoke.

Do-yeong looked closer before chuckling. "Oh, it's a lollipop."

Yi-jae laughed too, realising Do-yeong had thought the lollipop stick was a cigarette. She took out the purple treat. "Looks a little thin to be a cigarette."

"Perhaps I'm going blind," Do-yeong replied.

Yi-jae tried not to laugh.

"It's been a while since I've seen you," Yi-jae realised. "Two years, right?"

"I believe so," Do-yeong nodded. "How's Kyung-sam and Mun-hee?"

"Mun-hee had reached a rebellious phase in her life," Yi-jae sighed. "Kyung-sam is now my only hope of sanity."

"I dread when Ye-sol is going to do that," Do-yeong admitted.

"Nonsense," Yi-jae smiled. "Ye-sol has a very kind heart. I think she'll appreciate everything she has, especially as she gets older."

Do-yeong nodded, finding the woman's words supportive. When Yeon-jin had first revealed her pregnancy, Do-yeong had been very nervous. He ended up going to visit Jae-jun and Yi-jae, who were preparing for their son's birth, at the time.

Do-yeong never forgot the words of reassurance that Yi-jae had given him. Jae-jun was more make sure they respect you as they get older kind of talk.

"I thought I would've seen you in there, playing against someone," Yi-jae continued, motioning towards the Go area nearby. "Or even against yourself."

"If it wasn't under recent circumstances, perhaps you would," Do-yeong replied.

Yi-jae's eyebrows furrowed slightly, "What's wrong?"

"Son Myeong-o called me on 17th October and then he left me something," Do-yeong revealed, though he seemed to not want to share whatever Myeong-o had sent him. "I'm looking for him and I was wondering if you possibly knew where he could be."

Yi-jae felt her world freeze for a moment. How many people did Myeong-o call on October 17th and 18th?

"I'm afraid I'm as clueless as you are," Yi-jae admitted. "Maybe you should ask my husband. They work together, so he might have a better knowledge of where he is."

Do-yeong nodded, "Do you know where Jae-jun may be at this moment?"

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"Who's here, you said?" Jae-jun asked the worker who had brought him outside his golf course.

The worker motioned to Do-yeong, who was watching the players all over the golf course. When he sees Jae-jun, he begins to speak. "It's been a while. Around three years?"

"At the opening of your father-in-law's new building, I believe," Jae-jun nodded. "Doesn't look like you're here to golf. I'm very curious about what brought you here."

"I can't reach Son Myeong-o," Do-yeong revealed. "Do you know where he might be now? Yi-jae said you'd know more than others."

"Wow, you're looking for him as well?" Jae-jun was quite surprised, to say the least. "I can't reach him either. Why do you want to know?"

As Jae-jun asks the question, he puts a cigarette in his mouth. As he does that, Do-yeong notices that the same cigarette brand is the same one that Yeon-jin uses.

Jae-jun notices the staring from Do-yeong, "Want one?"

"I don't smoke," Do-yeong declined. "Do you know of any other way I can reach him?"

"You didn't... tell me why you're looking for him," Jae-jun hummed.

"It's private. Between him and me," Do-yeong replied.

Jae-jun almost scoffed.

"If you have his address, names of family members, anything..." Do-yeong began.

"You get something from him too?" Jae-jun cut him off, remembering the phone call he'd had with the son of a bitch. "I bet you did. What'd you get? How is he trying to threaten you?"

"Well, what did you get from him, Mr Jeon?" Do-yeong countered.

"This is going nowhere, so... Whoever finds him first tells the other, okay?" Jae-jun suggested.

"Don't you think you'll find him first?" Do-yeong asked, an eyebrow raised as they traded business cards. "He's your friend, after all."

Jae-jun chuckles, "He's not my friend. He was my lackey. Well, I should be going now."

Jae-jun entered the golf club, where he quickly pulled out his phone and dialled Myeong-o's number. 

Like he half-expected, it went straight to voicemail. "The person you're trying to reach is not available. Please record your message after the tone."

"Myeong-o, you fucking son of a bitch," Jae-jun seethed into the phone. "It turns out I'm not the only one that you sent stuff to and blackmailed. But what do you have to threaten Do-yeong with, huh? Is it some woman? Or a girl? If Mun-hee... or Ye-sol is the fucking reason Do-yeong and I are lumped together, I'm going to kill you, you fucking asshоlе."

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Jae-jun ripped open the sealed sleeve of the envelope.

Using the DNA from the toothbrush he'd been anonymously given, Jae-jun chose to take a paternity test. That was what the envelope in his hands was.

Opening the letter, he ignored all the words and science until he got to where he wanted.

Probability of Paternity: 99.999%

Ye-sol was his daughter. But Yeon-jin was her mother.

"No wonder," Jae-jun muttered to himself as he stared down at the number. "So that's why she's so damn pretty."

Jae-jun's attention then turned to his eye contacts. Could Ye-sol even be...? Mun-hee and Kyung-sam were, so the chances were high.

Jae-jun knew two things were certain at this point.

Ye-sol was his biological daughter. And Yi-jae, Mun-hee and Kyung-sam couldn't know.

Not yet, anyway...

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