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Yi-jae walked into the house, her left hand holding her son's right hand before he let go and happily ran off to his room.

"Don't forget to give me your lunch box," Yi-jae called after her son.

"Right," Kyung-sam remembered, turning around and reaching into his school bag, handing his mum his lunch box. As soon as she took it, he was running off to his room again.

Yi-jae sighed under her breath, making a mental note to go and check on what Roblox games her son was playing. It's not that nice to hear your son swearing at a young age.

Yi-jae began washing up the box and lid, while also quickly rising off some glasses she'd left to dry before heading off to pick up Kyung-sam. That was when she spotted something on the floor. Rose petals.

They didn't seem scattered. They seemed to be making a line towards the master bedroom. The family dog, Louis, was nibbling on one of them too, making Yi-jae quickly head over and try to get the dog to drop the item in his mouth.

After managing to remove the petal from his mouth and placing the dog inside another room with the door closed, Yi-jae continued to follow the rose petals into the master bedroom.

Yi-jae entered, where she saw her husband waiting for her, smiling and holding a bouquet of purple chrysanthemums. Yi-jae's favourite flower.

"Happy anniversary," Jae-jun smiled.

"Aww oppa," Yi-jae smiled too, gazing in awe at the flowers as they were placed into her hands. "You didn't have to get me anything."

"Nonsense, I love spoiling those I love," Jae-jun replied, the smile still on his face as he saw how happy the flowers had made his wife. "Speaking of which..." Jae-jun bent down and pulled out a medium-sized orange box from underneath the bed. "Surprise."

Yi-jae placed the flowers down on the bed and gently took the box from her husband. She opened it, revealing a pair of dark blue shoes with a small heel and a lace attached at a similar area the laces would be on a ballet shoe.

"You once told me you loved ballet when you were a kid," Jae-jun explained. "So when I saw those, I thought they'd be perfect."

"And they are," Yi-jae smiled, kissing her husband on the cheek. "Let me go get your present."

As Yi-jae began heading back to the room with a box in her hand, Mun-hee walked through the door, her headphones on and staring down at her phone.

Mun-hee was in her fourth and final year of Middle School, at 14 years old. She was born not even a year after her parents' wedding... which was one of the prime reasons why they'd married in the first place.

Now, being a teenager, she was acting like a lot of them. Headphones over her ears whenever she could, a snarky attitude, dealing with the changes in her body...

"Mun-hee," Yi-jae spoke louder than she normally did so her daughter could hear her. Once Mun-hee had taken her headphones off, Yi-jae spoke again. "Your school called. They said you haven't been at your club for a while."

"I told them I quit two weeks ago," Mun-hee sighed. "It's not my fault those teachers can't remember shit."

"Hey, language," Yi-jae lightly scolded. "Just because your father swears a lot, it doesn't mean you can as well. Kyung-sam is just down the hall."

"With headphones on, playing Roblox," Mun-hee remarked. "I'll be in my room."

Mun-hee put her headphones back on as she walked to her destination. 

"I swear, that girl will be the death of me," Yi-jae sighed as she began heading back to the master bedroom with her husband's present, where she shut the door behind her.

Yi-jae walked over to where her husband had been waiting. He must've gotten a phone call while waiting for her, as he had hung up his phone and was placing it back in his blazer's left pocket. Jae-jun smiled again as he saw her.

"Who was that?" Yi-jae asked, her curiosity spiking.

"Myeong-o," Jae-jun answered. "There was an issue at Siesta."

"Oh," Yi-jae hummed. "Anywho, here you are."

Jae-jun's curiosity peaked at the size of the box. It had been smaller than the box that contained Yi-jae's present. Opening the box, Jae-jun found a watch.

"It's Enoksen," Yi-jae whispered.

Jae-jun smiled even more at the mention of his favourite watch brand. It was a lovely watch too, with a bronze bezel and hands of the watch. The straps were a pure black, the two colours merging together perfectly.

Yi-jae found herself in the kitchen not long after, wearing the shoes Jae-jun had given her while she was filling up a vase with water to place the chrysanthemums in.

As she finished arranging the flowers into the vase, Yi-jae looked back down at her shoes with a small smile.

Dark blue.

Ka Yi-jae's favourite colour for as long as she could remember.

As a child, she'd stare at the night sky that would begin while the sun finished setting beyond the horizon, bidding her home farewell until the morning.

Dark blue also meant some interesting feelings and meanings.










One thing was clear in Ka Yi-jae's mind.

Over the years, her husband had become one of the many words used as a meaning of this beautiful colour.

Her husband was predictable.

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