A new beginning

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I was packing my belongings, while I taught back all the memories this place holded. Like the time me and my mom tried to bake a cake, we couldn't stop laughing at our mess and how clumsy we were.

Even though it's been 3 years since her death, I still think about her a lot and miss her very much. She was my best friend and it's been hard without her.
Since she's gone, the relationship between me and my dad has been even more distant than it already was. He was always working, and the only time I saw him was when he came home from work. I always cooked dinner for us, and that was our time to catch up with each other, but even then it was cold between the two of us.

Once we had everything packed and into the truck, it was time to say goodbye to this place for good.

We left and I fell asleep in the truck.

Two hours later, the truck stopped and I couldn't believe where we landed. This was a big change from our previous neighbourhood and apartment.
When my dad told me we were going to move out into a different place, I imagined something smaller, not bigger. I didn't even know houses this big existed. There is no way we could even afford this.

The neighbourhood screamed luxury and exclusivity. I didn't feel comfortable here, I felt like I didn't belong in this place.

I hurried out of the truck and looked at the house we stopped in front of.
I was met with an enormous house. It felt like I could get lost in it. It had a black and modern aesthetic and was surrounded by tall trees, making it private.

My dad came right next to me, we were both admiring it.

"Well, here it is, our new place." My dad said his tone was slightly distant. I could sense something was off.

"Yeah, it's... big." I answered in a low voice.

"I know it's different from what we're used to, but this could be a fresh start for us."

I couldn't help but sign softly "I guess so. But Dad, how can we afford this? It doesn't make sense."

"I need to talk to you about something." He paused for a minute scratching the back of his head nervously before continuing. "I met someone, and we've decided to move-in together. This is her house."

My eyes widened in surprise, I felt my chest tighten. How could he not tell me about it before?

"You met someone?" You could hear my voice cracking.

"I understand this is a lot to take in, and I'm sorry for not discussing it with you sooner." He tried stepping closer to me but I quickly took a step back, not wanting to be close to him.
"We thought it would be best for everyone involved to move into her house." He tried to explain

I was trying to process what was happening while standing there in the middle of the street in front of what was apparently going to be my house.

I couldn't believe he met someone and i didnt even know anything about it. He barely had time for me, when did he find the time to date someone?
A lot of questions were going through my mind.

"Best for everyone involved? What about me? Did you even consider how this would make me feel?" I screamed, not being able to control myself.

"I'm sorry Iris, I should've told you beforehand. And I'm sorry I didn't think about how this would affect you. I just thought this could be an opportunity for all of us." He said. I could see he was sorry, but how did he think I would react?

"How long have you been seeing her and how did you even meet her?" I said. My blood was boiling in anger at this point. I was trying to keep myself together.

"It's been a few months now. We met at work, she is my boss." He said hesitantly.

Oh so he's dating his boss. That's probably why he always comes home late. I couldn't help but hate him at this very moment. I shouldn't even be surprised.
I could feel tears welling up in my eyes.

"I need some space." I said before walking away. I needed some time to cool off.
I had no choice in this, this was going to be my new home and I was going to have to live with her, whether I wanted it or not. I dont have the money to afford a place for myself.
After I calmed down, I decided to head back and just make the best out of this situation. I was so disappointed and disgusted at my father, I never thought he could do something like this.

I was standing before the door of the house, hesitating before finally ringing the doorbell.

A couple seconds later the door opened, behind it was a beautiful black haired woman standing there tall and confident, like she owned the whole city. She must have been in her thirties. It was intimidating how dominant she was. She was gazing at me up and down. It felt like she was analysing what felt like every detail on my body while smirking.

Why was she looking at me like that?

"Hello, you must be Iris nice to meet you, I'm Sarah" she said while smiling. She put her hand in front of mine, wanting me to shake it so that's what I did.

I was confused. Was she the woman my dad met? She was way too young and beautiful to be with him, it must be her sister or something.

"Yes that's me" I said while not bothering to smile back at her since i was still confused about all of this.

"You can come in, I'll show you to your bedroom so that you can get settled in. Your dad already put all your belongings inside. "

As soon as we entered, I noticed the abnormally high ceiling of the house and the light that the windows were letting inside. The house felt even bigger from the inside, if that's even possible.

I followed her through the hallway and up the stairs. My room was apparently next to hers and my dads was all the way to the other side of the house. Why did my dad and Sarah have separate rooms?

Each bedroom had its own bathroom and walk-in closet. Apparently there were cameras all over the house except inside the bedrooms and the different bathrooms. She said it was for security reasons and with a big house like this, it's understandable.

" We can do a more detailed tour once you are moved in.  You should start arranging the boxes in your room and get settled. I'll be in my office. I have some work to do. Let's meet for dinner later when everything is done"
she said and I simply nodded.

My bedroom had a long window that replaced the wall, I could see the sunset and a beautiful panorama. The dark exterior that matched the aesthetic of the house made me feel rich, even though I was far from it. It even had a king sized bed. I always wondered what it felt like sleeping in a bed that can hold more than one person.
I could get used to living in this house.

I started cleaning and arranging my room which took me more time then it should've.
After hours of putting things away and organising it I was finally done. I decided to test out the shower and took a much needed hot shower. I felt refreshed.

It was about dinner time and I decided to head to the kitchen like I was asked to. While walking down the stairs, I could smell the aromas of something delicious. I was surprised to see Sarah cooking a meal for us.

"Ah, there you are! I hope you're hungry. I cooked my favourite dish." She said after noticing me while I was glaring at her.

She was a captivating woman to say the least.


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