The aftermath

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Guys omg I can't believe it has so many reads, I wasn't expecting it. I'm so grateful. Thank you so much for reading. If you guys have any suggestions please feel free to comment or dm me.
Love you guys 🫶🏻

"There 35" She said with a natural tone. She was acting like she didn't just spank me or that it was a normal thing to do.

I was relieved it was over I think. I have to admit, all the humiliation in the beginning was awful but towards the end I was enjoying it.

I felt dirty, not only because of what happened but also because what it made me feel.

I felt humiliated. How was I going to live in this house after this? How was I going to face her...? I layed there paralyzed by shame and shock.

I came to realise that I let her do it to me. I knew that I could've easily stopped it if I wanted to, but I didn't. I let her take control over me and I feel like she knew it too.

I couldn't utter a word...

"You did sooo good taking that punishment. I'm so proud of you." She took my hand gently and helped me stand up.

"Go lay on the bed while I'll go get something for the pain" she said, moving her head up inviting me to her bed.

When she came back, she had a cream in her hands.

"Let me rub this on you, it will make you feel better"
How can she be so caring yet so scary at the same time. I mean maybe scary is not the right word but...

After what had happened I felt closer to her. I felt like we were connected somehow.

I slowly lifted up my skirt and let her massage it on me.
Her gentle movements combined with the coldness of the cream really helped ease the pain.

When she finished rubbing the cream on me, she laid next to me on the bed, hugging me tightly.
I couldn't help but feel comforted. No matter how much I wanted to hate this, I couldn't help but love it.

After a bit my eyes started to get heavy and I fell asleep.


I woke up the next morning in that same bed, but she wasn't there. A tray of sunshine was enlightening the room. My senses were starting to wake up and I could smell the fresh roses that were laying on the bedside table with a note.

Good morning Iris, I hope you slept well. Join me in the kitchen, I'll be waiting on you. when you are ready. I placed some clothes on the bed for you and you are free to use my bathroom.

Flashbacks of yesterday came running through my head. My heart started racing as I was feeling overwhelmed. My thoughts were running all over the place. Yesterday really happened and it wasn't a dream. How could I face her? I still hadn't fully processed what happened.

No matter how embarrassing it was going to be, I had to see her eventually. I was living in her house so it was inevitable.

I went to the bathroom and did my usual morning routine. After I felt refreshed and clean I walked over to the bed to grab the clothes she had prepared for me. It was a white flower dress that showed my curves in the most amazing way.

I saw a pearl necklace laying on top of it. It was the first time that I saw a real pearl necklace. I could feel my eyes shining as I looked at it with admiration. Those things were really expensive. I was surprised it was just laying in front of me like that.

I carefully dressed up trying not to damage any of the clothes and jewellery she put out for me.

Once I was ready, I walked downstairs to the kitchen. There she was looking outside the window with a glass of juice in her hands. She was gorgeous. The sun hitting her face perfectly, I could see her perfect long eyelashes.

"Hi" I said with the most neutral expression I could master as if I wasn't gazing at her a couple of seconds ago. She turned around as soon as she heard my voice.
I walked to the kitchen table sitting down at my usual spot. She walked over and gave me a plate full of food. It looked delicious.

"I cooked this for you" a smile was covering her face,she seamed so gentle.
"Thank you" I tried staying neutral but a smile escaped me.

She sat next to me and we both started eating.

"You're dad is going to be absent for a couple weeks. He wanted to tell you himself but he had to leave due to an emergency at work last night before you came back from the party. He's deeply sorry." She was playing with her food. I could tell she was feeling sorry. Honestly, I didn't care much. It's not like I saw him often when he was here anyways.
I simply resumed eating my breakfast unbothered.

An awkward silence filled the room. Last night's events were spinning in my head and i was starting to get embarrassed the more I thought about it.

I tried focusing on my plate but i could feel her glaring at me. I looked up and I saw her questioning face. It was like she wanted to say something but was contemplating whether or not she should. I went back to looking at my plate which was way more relaxing than looking at her.

Then finally she made her decision, she said something.

"Iris, listen...we need to talk about some things" I know where this is headed I'm afraid.

I lifted my head so that my eyes could meet hers. She looked worried.

"I want you to tell me how you feel after last night. Are you okay?" She was probably trying to sense if I was mad at her or not, which I didn't even know myself. I knew I should be mad, but that wasn't what I was feeling. I was feeling closer to her than before yet I feel like a wall was created between us. Since I saw her this morning, I've been trying to be cold with her but i dont think its working.

"I'm okay I guess" I said avoiding her glare.

"Iris, look at me!" I was sensing that she was getting annoyed by my behaviour. I looked back at her and her face was more than serious.

"Last night, you misbehaved and you got punished for it. But as long as you do as you're told, it's not going to happen again. Do you understand?"

I nodded my head.

"Yesterday showed me that you need some restrictions due to your reckless behaviour. I thought you were able to handle yourself, but you clearly aren't." She stopped for a second making sure I was listening, before continuing. "I am going to give you a list of rules that you will have to follow as long as you live in this house."

Wait what is she saying now. Wasn't last night enough?

"I made you a contract that you will need to sign containing those rules. If you sign it, I'll take care of your every need and money will never be a problem for you." She said while handing me the piece of paper.

"Your dad isn't really around to take care of you and raise you the way you deserve, but I am and I'll make sure you become the best and happiest version of yourself if you accept."

"I only want what's best for you Iris."

"If you have any questions feel free to ask me. I'll give you some space." She stood up and walked away.

I started reading it and it was basically a non disclosure agreement with a set of rules that needed to be followed. If they were broken she could punish me in whatever way she saw fit but I could always refuse if I thought I couldn't handle the punishment.

1. Do what you are told
2. Be respectful
3. No cussing
4. Do not talk back
5. You address me with the correct title
6. I need to know your whereabouts at all times
7. If I call or text, you will answer right away no matter what
8. You show me your outfit every time before going out of the house
9. No going out past 10pm
10. No drugs, alcohol or smoking

I was sitting there alone, holding that piece of paper that was going to change my life. Basically this would give her the legal right to control me. I get that I was disrespectful yesterday but is it really worth making me sign a contract?

I had nowhere to go but here. I was a broke uni student.
There was no other option but to sign it.

I signed it without overthinking it more than I already was. Hopefully I won't regret this.

I walked upstairs to her office and knocked on the door.

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