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Despite my inner resistance, I found myself unable to defy her, as her words held an inexplicable power over me. As much as I wanted to deny it, I couldn't ignore the rush of emotions her declaration stirred within me. It was as if her words had unlocked a hidden truth I had been trying to suppress—the truth of my undeniable crush on Sarah.

I struggled to contain my smile, frustrated by how effortlessly she could unravel my composure. Yet, deep down, I couldn't help but feel a sense of gratitude for her acknowledgment, for the acknowledgment of my feelings that I had been struggling to accept myself.

The lady brought a mirror, allowing me to admire the masterpiece that now adorned my neck. The delicate chain, shimmering with white diamonds, led to the centerpiece—a bold black diamond that exuded an aura of power and strength.

But beyond its sheer beauty, the necklace held profound symbolism. It represented Sarah's claim over me, a subtle yet unmistakable declaration of her ownership. With each glint of the diamonds, I felt a deep sense of connection, a bond with Sarah that surpassed mere friendship.

Her whispered words, "You're mine now," reverberated in my mind, filling me with a mix of excitement and enchantment. It was a pledge of her unwavering devotion, a promise of support and protection that I couldn't help but embrace.

As I admired the necklace in the mirror, a whirlwind of conflicting emotions churned within me. Sarah's declaration of ownership left me feeling both exhilarated and unsettled. How could she say such things when she was with my dad? Was I reading too much into her words, or was there a deeper meaning behind them?

The realization hit me like a ton of bricks—I was developing feelings for Sarah, feelings that I knew were wrong given her relationship with my dad. Guilt gnawed at me as I grappled with the moral implications of my emotions. I could never betray my dad in such a way, no matter how much Sarah's words stirred something within me.

My facade of happiness crumbled, replaced by a mask of uncertainty and inner turmoil. Sensing my distress, Sarah reached out and clasped my hand, her expression filled with concern.

We made our way to a nearby restaurant, the weight of unspoken thoughts hanging heavy between us. As we settled into our seats, Sarah broached the subject with a seriousness that belied her usual playful demeanor.

"Are you okay, darling? What's the matter?" Her concerned gaze bore into mine, searching for answers.

"How can you say all those things, treat me like this when you're with my dad?" I blurted out, frustration bubbling to the surface.

"I knew this conversation would come eventually." Sarah's response was calm, almost resigned.

"No kidding," I muttered under my breath, feeling a surge of resentment toward the situation.

"Iris, darling, me and your dad are not what you think," Sarah continued, her tone softening. "I can't really talk about it much, but you can trust me. He wouldn't care about this."

"How could he not care? His daughter and fiancée are doing whatever this is," I retorted, my emotions spiraling out of control.
"And I can't do this to him anymore. It's hurting me, and it's going to hurt him once he finds out," I paused for a moment before continuing.
"Either you explain it to me, or we stop everything now," I demanded, my voice trembling with emotion.

"Right now is not the time nor the place to talk about it," Sarah replied, her expression grave.

I could feel the weight of her words hanging in the air, leaving an uncomfortable tension between us. Despite my frustration and confusion, I couldn't deny the longing in her eyes, urging me to trust her.

The infamous Sarah Capobianco (gxg)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora