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"Come in" I heard her yell from the other side of the door.

I opened it quickly and walked to her desk leaving the signed papers behind before exiting the room as fast as I could. I felt a weight leaving my shoulders as I basically ran to my room.

The weekend flew by and nothing much happened. We had normal dinners. The only thing that changed was how I felt around her. It was like there was a shift. I felt intimidated by her. I tried avoiding her as much as I could while respecting her dumb rules.

The more the time passed by, the more confident I was getting. She was giving me my space while still checking on me. I know it's weird, but I kinda liked the way she cared, always checking if I was okay. I was growing fond of her again and I felt the need to spend more time together.

Before I knew it, we were back at where we left off. But this time it felt like we were even closer.


Today I woke up later than usual, I had to hurry to get ready and go to school. Luckily I arrived at school on time. I met up with Kate for lunch and we gossiped the whole time. Our English teacher slept with the PE teacher and everyone was talking about it.

Fortunately for us, our English teacher couldn't bear the gossip and went home earlier, which meant we could go home too.

I hurried home, all I wanted was to bury myself in my bed and rest.

I walked to the front door. I was about to open the door when I heard chatter. I could hear an unfamiliar voice. I am pretty sure it was the voice of a woman.

As I opened the door I caught sight of Sarah across the room, my heart sank like a stone in a deep, cold pond. There she was, engaged in an animated conversation with another woman. A knot tightened in my stomach, and an unexpected pang of jealousy gripped me.

They were sitting on the couch. Sarah's arm was laying on the others shoulders and they were laughing together. I could see the woman making unnecessary physical contact with Sarah. She was caressing Sarah's face and holding her arm.

I closed the door hard behind me which made them both turn around instantly, like they were taken by surprise. Sarah had an uncomfortable look on her face. She was avoiding my gaze.

I walked past them and went straight to my room.

I closed the door behind me, shutting out the echoes of laughter and the sights that fueled my jealousy. The atmosphere in the room felt different—claustrophobic, charged with the weight of my emotions. I sank onto my bed, not knowing why I was feeling this way.

Time flew by and all I could do was stare at the ceiling.

My thoughts were interrupted by a hesitant knock on the door.

I knew it was her but I didn't want to talk to her right now. I was still so confused by the way I was feeling.

The knock came again but I didn't bother saying anything.

Then she spoke.
"Iris it's me. Can I come in?"

Silence filled the room.

"Are you okay?" Her voice was so gentle.

Again I didn't answer.

"I'll give you space, dinner is ready in 10 mins, please come and at least eat, we don't have to talk."

10 minutes later and here I was debating with myself if I should go eat with her. I was so hungry that I put my feelings aside.

When I arrived there she was finishing dressing the table. I could smell the appetising food on the table.

When she saw me walking to the dinner table she gave me an apologetic look.
I hated it.
I knew I had no right to be mad, she was my stepmom, but I still was.
She had the right to see other people, who was I to get mad about it.
But I still couldn't look her in the eyes.

I sat down and dated in silence, focusing on the good food she made.

It looked like she was hesitating to say something but decided not to.
Deep down I wanted her to talk, I wanted her to tell me it was her friend or her sister, but she didn't.

I was finished with the meal and not a word was spoken. When I stood up ready to walk away, she finally broke the silence.

"Can we talk?" She managed to utter. She was looking at me with pleading eyes gesturing to me to sit back down and I did.

"What's wrong Iris?" I knew she knew what was wrong, she isn't dumb, but that's the question she asked.

"Who is she?" I went straight to the point.

A subtle jolt of surprise flickered across her face, barely perceptible but enough for me to catch. She hesitated before finally answering the question.

Hi guys, it's been a while. I'm sorry it took so long to continue this story but I didn't have any inspiration. I'm back now with a lot of new ideas.
Hopefully you'll like the story :)

The infamous Sarah Capobianco (gxg)Where stories live. Discover now