The gambit

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My first school day was nothing special either, I made some friends and finally learned my class schedule.

Yesterday my friend Kate invited me to a party she was hosting. I was really excited because it's been a while since I went to a party.

When I got home I greeted Sarah and went to change and shower.
Sarah and I got closer these past few days. We've been spending a lot of time together. We have our little routine when I come home from school. I always go change and then I meet her in the living room where we always play a game of chess. She taught me one night after watching 'the gambit', and it's been a tradition ever since. Although I'm not even close to winning, I enjoy our quiet time together.

I went down to the living room and there she was sitting on the table, ready to beat me again. Her dark shiny hair was sliding off her face as she was looking down at the chessboard.

I sat down and we started playing and chit chatting about our day.

"I might come home late Friday night" I said while moving my pawn forward.

"Really? How come?" She said, arching her eyebrow in a questioning look.

"Kate invited me to a party" I said while she ate my pawn with her knight.

"Is that so?" she said with a higher tone of voice. I could feel she was getting angry or annoyed, maybe both. Both her elbows were sitting on the table, her hands holding each other. She looked deep in my eyes. She didn't flinch, she was waiting on my answer.

"Yes, so I was planning on going" a small smile appeared on my face.
She was making me feel insecure about everything. It was like I was doing something wrong.

"Is your dad okay with that?" She said while we continued playing.

"Probably, he doesn't care" why would she bring him into this conversation. Even though we made up since that day that he changed my life completely, I still hated him. She knew that, she knew how I felt about him.

"You should still ask him"

"Fine, if that's going to make you happy" I said while rolling my eyes out of annoyance.

"I want to see you Friday before you go to the party." Silence was filling the room.
"understand?" Her voice was getting even more stern than before. My eyes started to water as I was feeling scared all of a sudden. I had never seen that side of hers.

"Y-yes, okay" I managed to say while stuttering a bit. I was staring deeply into the chess board as I felt a presence hovering over me.

"Good" she said. Her face changed completely.
She was now smiling like nothing happened, moving her bishop.

"Check mate"
I completely forgot about the game. To no surprise she won again but this time I couldn't care less.

She stood up and went to the kitchen pouring herself a glass of wine. I was still sitting on that table not knowing what to do.
We had gotten so close these past few weeks, I felt like I knew her, but now, it was like she was a complete stranger.

Taking her glass of red wine, she sat on the couch while turning on the tv.

"Are you coming?" she asked in a demanding tone, while her eyes were glued to the tv.

I walked over to the couch passing in front of her wanting to sit at the other end of the couch when I felt her hand grab my wrist, pulling me down next to her. She was still not looking at anything but the tv.

She put her arm over my shoulder and caressed my face with her soft fingers.

I couldn't even process what was happening, everything was so fast but I didn't mind it. I felt comfortable there in between her arms. I felt safe.

We were watching tv, I mean she was watching tv, I was in another world.

My dad came home and I immediately pushed Sarah away and stood up. She looked at me confused but didn't move. I greeted my dad and just went to my room. I could still feel my burning cheeks while splashing my face with water.

The infamous Sarah Capobianco (gxg)Where stories live. Discover now