The party

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A/N: This is where it really starts. It took me longer to write than I was expecting. I'm not entirely happy with the result but I hope it will do.

⚠️ Trigger warning: physical abuse

This chapter may not be for everyone so if you don't like it, don't read it.

Friday came faster than anticipated. Kate and I were talking about what we were going to wear. She was going to wear a black mini dress and I was thinking either black or red fitted dress.

Kate told me that the party would be at her friend's house and that a lot of people would be there, the house was going to be full. The party started at 10pm but we were going to go there around 11pm because there would be a better mood.

As expected I asked my dad if I could go and he didn't care, which was good.
After that weird night with Sarah, I've kind of been ignoring her. I ate at Kate's house these past couple of days so that I wouldn't have to have dinner with Sarah. I didn't want things to get awkward.

Kate came home with me to get ready for the party. We went straight to my bedroom and started searching through my closet. I showed her the dresses I wanted to wear and she advised me to wear the red dress as it was more fun. We got dressed and started doing our makeup.

When we were done Kate told me we should go to the park and have our pre party so that we could get drunk before the party and enjoy it more. And that's what we did.

We left the house and I didn't say anything to Sarah even though she asked to see me before I went. I thought she shouldn't be so controlling as she isn't my mom. Also it would've made me feel like a kid and I'm far from one.

Everything was going great, we were sitting on a bench at the park, drinking some alcohol while playing some music.

It was around 10:30 pm when my phone started ringing. It was Sarah... I could already imagine why she was calling. I didn't want to pick up the first time, but the second time I felt like I should, so I did.

"Hello?" I said hesitantly, already knowing I fucked up.

"WHERE THE F*CK ARE YOU?" She said, screaming.I could hear her breathing heavily.

"DIDN'T I TELL YOU I NEEDED TO SEE YOU  BEFORE YOU LEFT?" I could feel her anger through the phone as her voice was getting louder. I never saw this angry side of Sarah.

"YOU BETTER COME BACK HOME, AND YOU BETTER COME BACK RUNNING!" How dare she scream at me like that? Who does she think she is? I didn't do anything bad and she has no rights over me. My blood was boiling and as a result, my face was getting red. I don't like being treated like this, I don't belong to anyone especially her.

"You need to calm down. I'm not doing any of that. I'm old enough to make my own decisions. We'll talk tomorrow. Have a good night." I said before hanging up, not giving her time to respond.

The phone kept ringing but I put it on silent so that it wouldn't bother me anymore.

After that phone call I felt uneasy, I was stressing out about how things were going to be when I came back to her house. I have never heard her so angry.

I continued enjoying the night with Kate trying to forget about Sarah not wanting her to ruin my night.

When we got to the party, I could finally relax more. Kate and I danced together to all our favourite songs . It was really fun. The more the time passed, the more we danced closer to each other. Some boys joined us, but I didn't really care. I was in the moment with Kate.  This moment was worth it.

It was getting late and I decided to head back to the house. Kate said she was going to stay a bit longer so I left without her.

I didn't know what to expect when I would get back. Sarah would probably be sleeping at this time and I would have to deal with her tomorrow.
It was making me anxious as I could feel tension in my stomach, or it might be the alcohol, either way I wasn't feeling good.

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