Chapter 28: Lisa's audition

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A small smile crept up Lalisa's face as she could imagine what Eunha would look like when she was told she didn't get the role.

Eunwoo spoke again, "Miss Kim, Mr. Jeon said that he helped you this time, and he wanted me to tell you so you will know."

". . ." Lalisa didn't know what to say. In all the stories and dramas, the normal thing to do was to help someone but not let the person know. So what was wrong with Jungkook?

Plus, she didn't ask him to help her either!

Lalisa didn't even get to finish her thoughts yet when Eunwoo and Secretary Bang Chan already got ready to leave.

Eunwoo smiled and said, "Miss Kim, fighting! Mr. Jeon believes in you!"

Lalisa's mouth twitched as she was about to ask Eunwoo if Jungkook was really the person that would tell Eunwoo to say something so playful. However, before she got the chance, Eunwoo and Secretary Bang Chan had hurriedly left.

Rosè was hiding behind Lalisa the entire time and heard what Eunwoo was talking about. She smiled and held onto Lalisa's arm, "Wow. Mr. Jeon really cares about you!"

Lalisa turned around and looked at Rosè. Without replying, Lalisa held on tightly to the two sheets of paper with a complicated feeling.

She found a quiet place outside the waiting room and began to study the script and information on the paper. Rosè also sat down next to her and played games on her phone as Lalisa focused on the script.

After a while, Rosè clicked out of the game and looked up to see Eunha walk out of the audition room with a grave expression on her face.

"Lili, white lotus came out! I think she's crying."

"She probably didn't pass the audition," Lalisa replied.

Rosè laughed and said happily, "She deserves it!"

From far away, Eunha noticed Lalisa, and she walked over after wiping her tears. She crossed her arms and stood in front of Lalisa.

"Are you really happy that I didn't get the role of Concubine Xi?"

Lalisa scratched her nose and said straightforwardly, "A little."

Eunha rolled her eyes, "I knew you would gloat over my misfortune. I didn't get the role of Concubine Xi, but I did get another role. Do you want to know what role it is?"

Lalisa asked boredly, "What role is it?"

Eunha laughed before replying, "I got the role of Concubine Xi's maid, which means. . . You don't even have a chance to audition now."

When she finished speaking, Eunha quietly waited for Lalisa's reaction. She expected Lalisa to first be surprised, and then angry. However, none of that happened as Lalisa maintained a calm expression.

"Are you not surprised?" Eunha asked.

Lalisa laughed, "It's just a maid! If it's gone it's gone. I don't really care, because I have another role to choose from anyway."

Eunha didn't think that He Xinyan had another choice, and her mouth fell open in surprise. "What role?"

Lalisa held out the two sheets of paper and waved it in front of Eunha, "Concubine Xi."

The two words were like a spark of lightning hitting Eunha, making her freeze in shock. She stuttered, "That. . . That's not possible. They just said that the role of Concubine Xi had been set already."

Lalisa raised one eyebrow and smiled, "I'm probably the set person they are talking about. Sister Eunha, the role of the maid is very suited for you. You have to serve Concubine Xi well in the future!"

Lalisa wasn't a simple or innocent person, and she always went by the rule that she wouldn't mess with anyone if they didn't mess with her.

After Eunha, Lalisa was called into the audition room for her audition. Although she had prepared for the role of the maid in the beginning, she was also quite familiar with the role of Concubine Xi. This was because the role of the maid basically revolved around Concubine Xi, and most of the lines she had were with Concubine Xi.

The audition room was very large with a shiny floor and bright lights. Lalisa's high heels clicked against the floor as she walked over to the center of the room.

The even clicking of her heels seemed to knock against her heart, and it made her even more nervous. This was the first time she pulled strings to get an opportunity, and if she didn't do well, not only would it be embarrassing for her, but it will also make Jungkook lose face.

Besides Director Ma, there were also a bunch of other people inside the room. Lalisa scanned the people inside the room and didn't recognize anyone.

She turned to face the table of people and Director Ma Qiaoqi asked, "You are Lisa?"

He Xinyan lifted her chin up a little and smiled before she quickly introduced herself. Her calm expression and smooth-talking speed all added points for her. Even as the main focus in the room, she didn't seem to get even a bit nervous, and it made her appear more attractive.

Ma Qiaoqi nodded his head, "Okay, you can start your performance now."

He didn't mention Secretary Bang Chan or anything else, and immediately let Lalisa start her act. The two scenes Lalisa received were the scene of Concubine Xi entering the palace and the scene when Concubine Xi killed her maid. The actress could pick one out of the two scenes to perform.

Most of the time, the actress would pick the second scene of killing the maid, because it was easier to express the emotions through the movement and speech of the scene. This scene had more room for performance, and as long as the acting was good, it was easier to leave a good impression on the director's mind.

However, Lalisa decided to pick the first scene.

Concubine Xi was still a young 16-year-old girl when she was picked to enter the palace and serve the emperor. She came from the far south and was forced to leave her home to join the selection for concubines.

Once she stepped foot into the palace, her life was destined to be a tragedy.

Lalisa remembered that although Concubine Xi wasn't the main role, she still had a complete backstory, and her personality was quiet and reserved. She was careful and cautious and understood to protect herself and stay out of the drama and fights of others.

However, like many other concubines in the palace, she died from the evil schemes of others, and from beginning to end, she never earned any love or attention from the emperor.

But regardless of her ending, in the very beginning, she was probably still very excited about entering the palace.

Lalisa didn't purposely try to act excessively, and she only included minimal speech and movement. Her act was focused on her expression, where she displayed excitement for her new life, and also the confusion and helplessness of a young girl.

When she finished her act, Director Ma opened his mouth to speak. However, before he could, the man sitting next to him asked, "Why does Concubine Xi look very confused and lost? Shouldn't she be happy? She was chosen to enter the palace out of hundreds of people."

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